Is It Time To Rethink Professional Dress Codes?

Navneet Ahluwalia, head of division, HR & administration at Fujifilm India believes that a flexible dress code helps unlock creativity by allowing employees to feel more comfortable at their desks, thus encouraging them to channel their creativity more effectively

In an exclusive interview, Navneet Ahluwalia, head of division, human resources & administration at Fujifilm India, delves into the evolving role of HR in today’s dynamic business landscape. From balancing traditional multinational values with the adaptive strengths of Indian-origin companies to exploring the impact of flexible dress codes on employee creativity, he offers valuable insights on how his company is fostering an inclusive and innovative workplace. 

How do the cultural values and management styles of traditional multinational companies compare to those of Indian-origin companies?

The cultural values and management styles of traditional multinational companies and Indian-origin companies often reflect their unique historical and socio-cultural contexts. Traditional multinationals may emphasise structured hierarchies, standardised processes and global best practices, which can bring consistency and efficiency. However, this approach may sometimes feel rigid and impersonal.

Indian-origin companies, on the other hand, often prioritise relationships, flexibility and adaptability, fostering a more familial and inclusive work environment. This can enhance employee engagement and loyalty but may sometimes lack the formalised structures needed for scalability. The challenge lies in balancing these approaches to harness the strengths of both. Multinationals can benefit from the relational and adaptive strengths of Indian-origin companies, while the latter can adopt the standardised processes of multinationals to enhance efficiency. By blending these cultural values and management styles, organisations can create a hybrid model that promotes high employee engagement and productivity, catering to diverse workforces and dynamic business environments.

Can you discuss the impact of dress codes on employee productivity and creativity in a professional environment?

In line with our Group purpose of “Giving Our World More Smiles” we are taking active measures to begin it from home that is the workplace where an employee spend close to 8-9 hours a day. Dress codes can significantly influence employee productivity and creativity in various ways. Fujifilm’s recent shift from formals to smart casuals, effective from 1 July 2024, exemplifies this impact. This change, reflecting Fujifilm's commitment to diversity and inclusion, is part of ongoing efforts to create a workplace where everyone feels comfortable, valued and able to express their individuality. For a traditional MNC and a Japanese company, this global policy shift is a bold move. In line with its commitment to diversity and inclusion, FUJIFILM India introduced this policy to promote a higher female ratio in the workforce. This approach aims to unlock creativity by allowing employees to feel more comfortable at their desks, thus encouraging them to channel their creativity more effectively. A flexible dress code, such as smart casuals, fosters a sense of comfort and personal expression, enhancing creativity and innovation. When employees feel comfortable and authentic, they are more likely to contribute original ideas and engage more deeply in their work. This comfort can lead to a more dynamic and innovative workplace environment. However, certain professional settings may benefit from a more formal dress code to maintain a sense of professionalism and discipline. The key is to balance professionalism with personal expression, which can be pivotal in creating a conducive work environment. Ultimately, the impact of dress codes on productivity and creativity depends on the organisational culture and the nature of the work being performed. 

What emerging trends do you believe will have the most significant impact on HR practices in the next few years?

In the coming years, several emerging trends will significantly impact HR practices. One of the most notable is the increased focus on employee well-being and mental health. Organisations are recognising the importance of holistic well-being programmes that address physical, mental and emotional health. Additionally, the rise of remote and hybrid work models is reshaping how we approach talent management, requiring more flexible and adaptive HR policies. Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) will continue to be a critical focus, driving more inclusive workplace practices and policies. Lastly, the integration of advanced technologies, such as AI will streamline HR processes and enhance data-driven decision-making.

How do you handle the challenges of maintaining employee engagement and morale in a hybrid work environment?

Maintaining employee engagement and morale in a hybrid work environment requires a multifaceted approach. Clear and consistent communication is crucial to keep employees informed and connected. Regular virtual meetings, check-ins and team-building activities can help bridge the gap between remote and in-office employees. Providing flexibility and autonomy in how and where employees work can boost morale and job satisfaction. Additionally, leveraging technology to facilitate collaboration and recognition can reinforce a sense of belonging and achievement. By fostering an inclusive and supportive culture, we can maintain high levels of engagement and morale.

Can you discuss the role of technology and AI in enhancing HR functions and processes?

Technology and AI are revolutionising HR functions and processes by increasing efficiency, accuracy and personalisation. AI-powered tools can automate repetitive tasks such as resume screening, onboarding and payroll management, allowing HR professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives. Predictive analytics can help identify potential talent gaps and employee turnover risks, enabling proactive measures to retain top talent. AI-driven platforms can also provide personalised learning and development opportunities tailored to individual employee needs, fostering continuous growth. Furthermore, technology facilitates remote work and collaboration, ensuring seamless communication and engagement across dispersed teams.


Savi Khanna

BW Reporters An experienced content writer with a history of working in digital, TV & print industry

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