Everest Group Boosts Inclusive Hiring With 5,00,000 Impact-Sourcing Jobs

This milestone is part of a broader pledge to increase the impact sourcing workforce to 1 million by 2030

Everest Group recently announced that the industry has successfully achieved its Commitment to Action (CTA) by expanding the impact sourcing workforce from 3,50,000 full-time employees (FTEs) to 5,00,000 individuals within the first two years of a three-year goal. This milestone is part of a broader pledge to increase the impact sourcing workforce to 1 million by 2030.

The Group’s commitment involves conducting extensive research, providing comprehensive enablement tools, facilitating networking opportunities to share best practices, and fostering an inclusive talent strategy. The initiative aims to make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals from marginalised communities.

Rita N. Soni, Principal Analyst for Impact Sourcing and Sustainability at Everest Group, remarked, “The technology and tech services sectors continue to inspire with their innovative implementation of impact sourcing initiatives worldwide. These efforts are changing the lives of millions from marginalized backgrounds. The beauty of this inclusive talent strategy lies in its business advantages for employers and clients alike, delivering the coveted double bottom line.”

Since 2022, Everest Group has observed reduced attrition and heightened engagement across impact sourcing employees. Impact workers also demonstrate greater loyalty and are more likely to remain with a company long-term compared to other employees.

The initiative has had a particularly significant impact on underserved groups, including women, people with disabilities, and under/unemployed youth. Currently, 56 per cent of the impact sourcing workforce is female, and 70 per cent are under the age of 30, with representation from rural communities, LGBTQ+ individuals, veterans, and formerly incarcerated people.

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