How Gender Inclusivity Fuels Modern Business Success

Companies that prioritise inclusivity experience higher revenue growth, greater readiness to innovate, an increased ability to attract diverse talent, and 5.4 times more employee retention

Diversity and Inclusion have transcended buzzwords to become fundamental pillars of success in today’s business world. Building an inclusive culture that values diversity allows organisations to welcome different ideas, cultures, and perspectives, leading to creativity and innovation. This approach enables companies to recruit top talent from a diverse and often untapped pool of candidates. In fact, businesses that embrace equal employment opportunity policies and cultivate gender-inclusive cultures are over 60 per cent more likely to experience improvements in their products and productivity.

A catalyst for business and economic growth

Gender inclusivity provides substantial advantages beyond ethical considerations. Companies that prioritise inclusivity experience higher revenue growth, greater readiness to innovate, an increased ability to attract diverse talent, and 5.4 times more employee retention. Additionally, diverse workplaces see revenue growth of 11.1 per cent compared to 8.6 per cent for those with diversity gaps. Closing the gender gap can also boost the GDP by over 20 per cent. In countries like India, enabling just 50 per cent of women to enter the workforce could enhance economic growth by 1.5per cent to 9 per cent annually. These figures highlight the profound impact of gender inclusivity, underscoring its importance as a key driver for both business success and economic development.

Driving performance through inclusive leadership and long-term strategies

Gender diversity in leadership is particularly impactful. Businesses with diverse executive teams are 25 per cent more likely to have above-average profitability. However, diversity alone is not enough; inclusive leadership is essential. Leaders must integrate D&I into their organisation’s mission, values, and strategic goals while tracking progress.

To achieve long-term D&I success, organisations should start with inclusive recruitment practices, broadening talent searches, and eliminating biases. Employee resource groups (ERGs) play a vital role in providing support and advocacy for diverse groups, offering valuable insights. Comprehensive training, mentorship, and sponsorship programmes are crucial for nurturing underrepresented groups into leadership roles.

Fostering retention and continuous improvement

Retention and workplace culture are critical. Flexible work policies that support work-life balance is essential for retaining diverse talent. Regular D&I assessments ensure continuous improvement and transparency. Extending impact through vocational training programs empowers communities and drives economic growth with a skilled talent pool.

Fostering a comprehensive inclusive environment, enables organisations to enhance engagement and productivity, benefiting individuals and communities while ensuring sustainable organisational growth.

Cultivating diverse leadership, implementing robust D&I strategies, and fostering an inclusive workplace culture allows businesses to unlock unparalleled innovation, attract top talent, and achieve higher profitability. As organisations champion gender inclusivity, they not only enhance their own performance but also contribute to broader societal and economic advancement. The journey towards inclusivity is ongoing, but the benefits are clear and far-reaching, positioning companies at the forefront of modern business success.


Kami Viswanathan

Guest Author President - Middle East, Indian subcontinent and Africa (MEISA), FedEx

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