Continuous Feedback Through ‘Konversations’

Nitin Nahata, Group CHRO, Gameskraft, describes the key initiatives in performance management that reflect the organisation’s forward- thinking approach

Nitin Nahata, Group CHRO, Gameskraft, describes the key initiatives in performance management that reflect the organisation’s forward- thinking approach. Gameskraft was given the ‘Excellence in Performance Management’ Award at the BW People HR Excellence Awards 2024.

Gameskraft distinguishes itself in the global gaming market by breaking its own Guinness World Record for online tournaments and holding ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 27001 certifications, showcasing a dedication to quality and trust. The success of Gameskraft, despite entering the industry as a latecomer, is attributed to a unique culture fostered by its founders—one characterised by ownership, accountability, and a bias for action. The company achieved a 49.7 per cent revenue growth and 28.2 per cent profitability, with its workforce expanding by over 50 per cent annually. With an emphasis on ‘moonshot goals’, the company often meets or exceeds goals set at the beginning of a year much earlier, and on some goals, often acknowledges failure and learns much faster. 

Key initiatives in performance management 

With a natural bias-for-action ingrained in its culture, Gameskraft thrives on execution, setting audacious moonshot goals, and embracing productive failure as a pathway to success. However, in this fast-paced environment where goals evolve and change frequently, Gameskraft recognised the need for a performance framework that could balance organisational reality, manage employee expectations, and foster a high-performance culture. 

To tackle this challenge head-on, Gameskraft embarked on an extensive journey, starting with a deep dive into its existing organisational dynamics through multiple Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and other feedback mechanisms. These sessions provided invaluable insights into the limitations of the existing performance management process and set the stage for transformative change. 

Recognising Diverse Roles & Tailoring Evaluation

Gameskraft understood that a one-size-fits-all approach would not suffice as, firstly, the goals are audacious, some can influence it while others cannot, and lastly, the goalpost keeps on evolving and goals become irrelevant.  

Hence, the first pivotal step was the identification and categorisation of unique roles within the organisation: 

Strategy-Change Agnostic Roles

These roles, typically less impacted by frequent strategic shifts (e.g., Customer Service Agent), are assessed based on 4-5 key, measurable dimensions with uniform deliverables. This ensures consistency and ease of evaluation.  

Strategy-Change Impacted Roles

 Roles heavily influenced by strategic changes (e.g., product, marketing) are evaluated based on their achievement of goals set in the annual operating plan (AOP). Their deliverables are often qualitative and flexible, catering to the dynamic nature of their work. This approach ensures that achievements are evaluated within the context of constantly evolving strategies. 

Setting Clear Expectations Through Focus Areas and Problem Statements

To address the issue of context being lost with frequent changes, Gameskraft established Focus Areas. These broad domains outlined the specific expectations for each role. This collaborative effort, involving senior leaders, went beyond mere descriptions. It served as a strategic planning initiative, clarifying individual responsibilities and their contribution to the organisation's success. This step instilled a sense of purpose and strategic alignment within the performance management process. 

Moving Beyond Ratings: The Performance Trajectory Approach

Instead of relying on traditional rating systems, Gameskraft started utilising a novel approach called the Performance Trajectory. This method focuses on an individual's continuous development and ability to deliver new value rather than simply becoming more efficient at existing tasks. The Performance Trajectory also considers specific behaviours deemed crucial for sustainable growth. These behaviours, such as collaboration, problem-solving, and innovation, complement the focus on new value creation, fostering a culture that drives Gameskraft's success. 

Dialogue and Active Listening Through ‘Konversations 

The Konversations process became the embodiment of Gameskraft's commitment to a performance management system that prioritises dialogue and active listening. In this process:  

Krafters are considered best placed to understand their role's unique challenges and contributions. This empowerment extends to providing self-feedback, which managers consider alongside feedback from stakeholders. Managers engage in meaningful dialogues [Listening Konversations] with Krafters, recognising their unique challenges and contributions.  

Based on all these inputs, managers propose a Performance Trajectory for each Krafter. Senior managers and the leadership team then review and calibrate these proposals to ensure consistency and fairness.  

Finally, during Konversation dialogues, managers communicate the proposed trajectory and provide constructive feedback to each Krafter. This fosters an ongoing dialogue and ensures transparency throughout the process. This collaborative approach also ensures that the Performance Trajectory aligns with organisational goals and values, creating a culture of mutual understanding and continuous improvement.  


Meha Mathur

BW Reporters The author works as Senior Associate Editor with BW Businessworld

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