"SAKSHAM Has Had A Tangible And Positive Impact On Pepperfry’s Retail Teams," Pepperfry

SAKSHAM was put into practice in April 2024

The program SAKSHAM at Pepperfry was was meticulously designed as a response to the evolving retail landscape, where customers increasingly sought the tactile experience of physical stores, even in an e-commerce-dominated world.

Joee De Choudhury, Head- Human Resources, Pepperfry has deep-dived into explaining the essence behind initiating such a program for its retail employee and how well has it impacted.

1. What are the most critical skills which retail employees need to develop to improve customer service and sales performance?

In today's competitive retail landscape, having diverse skill sets is essential for employees to excel in customer service and drive sales performance. Here are some of the most critical areas for development:

·  Product Knowledge: A deep understanding of your products is foundational. Customers seek knowledgeable staff who can answer questions, offer recommendations, and highlight unique features.

·  Communication Skills: Clear, engaging communication builds rapport. Active listening, open-ended questions, and tailoring your language to the customer enhance the experience.

·  Probing Skills: Going beyond surface-level inquiries to uncover customer needs and preferences is key. Skillful probing helps identify upselling or cross-selling opportunities.

·  Technical Proficiency: Familiarity with point-of-sale (POS) systems, customer relationship management (CRM) tools, and other relevant technology streamlines transactions and empowers personalized service.

·  Process Understanding: Knowing internal procedures, such as optimal coupon usage or return policies, ensures efficiency and customer satisfaction.

·  Emotional Intelligence: Recognizing and responding appropriately to customer emotions fosters positive interactions. Empathy and patience build trust and loyalty.


2. How did SAKSHAM came into being? Also, elucidate upon how can ongoing training program SAKSHAM at Pepperfry be structured to continuously elevate the skills of your retail employees?

Saksham came into being after a comprehensive mystery audit which revealed key areas for improvement within our retail team. The audit's findings highlighted specific gaps in performance and customer engagement, prompting immediate action from the leadership. In collaboration with the activation team, the T&D team, and an external coaching expert, a tailored training program was developed for our front-line employees. As an omnichannel business, we recognize that our frontline retail team plays a pivotal role in shaping customer experiences and driving growth. Hence, this program, designed with precision, aims to enhance the capabilities of our retail staff by focusing on critical skills and behaviors that drive superior customer experiences.

To ensure that the training remains accessible and effective over time, we are implementing an online module that digitizes these sessions. This platform will allow both current and new employees to revisit and engage with the training content at their convenience, reinforcing the lessons learned during in-person sessions. Additionally, our internal L&D team, having participated in these training sessions, will cascade the knowledge and practices across other sales-oriented functions, ensuring a consistent and holistic uplift in skills across the organisation.

3. How can data analytics be used to identify skill gaps among retail employees and target specific areas for improvement?
Data analytics offers powerful tools for pinpointing skill gaps among retail employees and tailoring improvement strategies. 

Here's how:

·  Individual Sales Performance: Analyzing sales data across team members within a store reveals disparities.

·  Store-to-Store Comparisons: Comparing sales data across stores in the same region highlights best practices. High-performing stores might excel in areas like customer engagement or upselling, indicating where others need development.

·  Industry Benchmarking: Benchmarking against industry standards provides context. If your team's average transaction value is lower, it could signal a need for training in premium product sales or add-on recommendations.

·  Turnover and Retention Analysis:  High turnover in specific roles or teams suggests potential skill gaps or dissatisfaction. Exit interviews and performance data can pinpoint areas for improvement, aiding in hiring and training adjustments.

4. With the help of Saksham, how can retail employees be encouraged to develop a deep product knowledge to enhance their sales performance?

Saksham can be instrumental in cultivating product expertise, a cornerstone of sales success.

·  Role-Playing Scenarios: Simulated customer interactions allow employees to practice applying product knowledge in real-world sales situations. Constructive feedback helps refine their approach.

·  Mentorship and Peer Learning: Pairing experienced employees with newer ones fosters knowledge sharing and builds a supportive learning environment.

·  Highlighting Success Stories: Showcasing examples of how deep product knowledge led to successful sales not only motivates employees but also demonstrates the tangible impact of their efforts.

By integrating these elements into Saksham, we can empower retail employees to become product experts who confidently guide customers, recommend the right solutions, and ultimately drive sales performance. The emphasis on responsibility and accountability ensures that employees view their product knowledge as a valuable asset they actively develop and utilize.  

5. What strategies can be employed to motivate retail employees to continuously improve their skills and advance within the company?

Motivating retail employees to continually upskill and progress within the company requires a multi-faceted approach that combines structured development opportunities with recognition and rewards. Some key strategies include:

·  Regular Skill Development Programs: Offer ongoing training sessions such as workshops on sales techniques, product knowledge, customer service, and even leadership skills for those aspiring to managerial roles.

·  Ongoing Product Training: Keep employees informed about new products, features, and trends. This ensures they can confidently engage customers and offer informed recommendations.

·  Clear Career Paths: Outline potential career trajectories within the company. This provides employees with a sense of direction and motivates them to acquire the skills needed for advancement.

·  Reward and Recognition: Acknowledge and celebrate employee achievements, both big and small. This could involve performance-based bonuses, public recognition, or opportunities for increased responsibility.


6. What in your view are the best methods to train retail employees in conflict resolution and effective communication within a team?

In the dynamic retail environment, conflict resolution and effective team communication are vital for a harmonious and productive workplace. The best training methods combine practical scenarios with a broader understanding of the business:

·  Workshops on Real-Time Issues: Conduct workshops focusing on common customer grievances and internal conflicts between teams. Use real-life examples from your stores to make the training relevant and engaging. Role-playing exercises can help employees practice active listening, empathy, and assertive communication.

·  Cross-Functional Training: Provide opportunities for employees to learn about the roles and challenges faced by other teams within the retail value chain. This fosters mutual understanding and reduces the likelihood of conflicts arising from miscommunication or lack of awareness.

·  Mentorship and Peer Support: Establish a mentorship program where experienced employees guide newer ones in navigating conflicts and communicating effectively. Peer support groups can also provide a safe space for employees to discuss challenges and share strategies.



sugandh bahl

BW Reporters The author is working as Sr Correspondent with BW Businessworld and BW People

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