IIM Bangalore & ISD Global Conceptualise Trust Workshop

The workshop aimed to explore the multifaceted nature of trust in professional and personal spheres, drawing a diverse group of leaders

The Trust workshop, a collaborative initiative between IIM Bangalore and ISD Global, recently convened with an overwhelming response from participants and speakers. This workshop aimed to explore the multifaceted nature of trust in professional and personal spheres, drawing a diverse group of leaders and experts from various industries.

Participants gathered to discuss and dissect the concept of trust, recognising its critical importance in the modern world. The event highlighted the diverse perspectives and applications of trust across various sectors. 

Vera Bakirova, HR Director at Novo Nordisk, emphasised the importance of sensitivity and respect to diversity, inclusion and equity in building trust within organisations. "I trust you, and it is up to you to prove me wrong," she stated, illustrating the delicate balance of trust and accountability.

Rajesh Dogra, CXO at Air India, shared insights from the Passport Seva initiative, reflecting on the journey from zero trust to complete alignment and trust within a system. This narrative resonated with many attendees, showcasing real-world applications of trust-building.

Trust as an Asset

Thomas Pullenkav, Director of SELCO Foundation, described the concept of treating trust as an asset. "The very idea of treating trust as 'an asset' was intriguing," he noted, appreciating the audience's positive response to this innovative perspective.

Sunil Prabhakaran, Founder & CEO of Newzeum, further elaborated on the collaborative nature of trust, stressing that "trust cannot be viewed in isolation; it has to be collaborative and participative."

Other speakers highlighted the grassroots approach to regaining trust and the need to institutionalise trust to achieve efficient outcomes. They also highlighted the role of empathy in winning trust, adding a psychological dimension to the discussions.

Sumit Virmani, EVP and Global CMO of Infosys, detailed how Infosys leverages trust both internally with its over 3,00,000 employees and externally with its customers, captivating the audience during his presentation.

Reflections & Forward Momentum

Sourav Mukherjee, Dean, Alumni Relations & Development at IIM Bangalore recalled the swift collaboration with ISD Global, which began with a simple yet impactful idea. "When ISD Global approached us at IIM Bangalore with this concept, it took me only 15 minutes to jump right in and say, let's go for it," he said, emphasising the magic that trust can create when well-placed and well-intended.

The workshop featured sessions that offered deep insights and practical applications of trust. Topics included ‘Building an Emotional Bank Account with Trust,’ ‘Trust Deficit: Addressing the Omnipresent,’ and ‘Designing for Trust.’ Each session provided participants with valuable takeaways for both thought and action.

The trust workshop marked the beginning of a significant journey. As Suresh Dinakaran, Chief Storyteller at ISD Global, aptly put it, "We remain conscious of the fact that we have miles to go before we leap, but we have already jumped off the plane and will be fixing the parachute as we go down." The trust bandwagon has set sail, with many ports to stop at and communities to onboard, paving the way for new thinking and possibilities in the realm of trust. 


Savi Khanna

BW Reporters An experienced content writer with a history of working in digital, TV & print industry

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