" Try Reporting To HR, Then You'll Get To Know He's Part Of The Management Itself," Anonymous EY Employee

According to the EY employee, their usual working hours normaly last for 12 hours and during the season it goes upto 16 hours.

Feeling shock waves after hearing the sudden demise of a 26 year old CA, Anna Sebastian due to excessive work pressure?
Well, this isn’t it. An anonymous EY employee has written a letter citing the plight of other Ernest & Young employees. They are no less burdened than Anna.
The anonymous EY employees is seen fuming in the letter stating how has the management spread the news of Anna’s demise. According to them workload wasn’t the reason of her demise, since she was already dealing with some serious health crisis.
The anonymous EY employee has also stated that he/she has never worked with Anna directly but has certainly worked under the same “toxic manager” as Anna.
"He actually prioritises his convenience (like cricket) and he doesn't really care for anyone's time or effort. He proudly bought IPL final tickets in deadline at exorbitant prices and showed off on in deadline at exorbitant prices and showed off on insta. He takes all the credit himself, and blames the team for any shortfalls (classic manager behaviour)," the letter alleged.
The anonymous EY employee further explains how he/she has been associated with EY since long and how has he/she seen people come and go. “Those who leave this toxic culture feel they have been relieved from jail,” explains the anonymous EY employee.
"Seasoned people exploit these newcomers like anything. And these senior people have power. Good deal of power. They can make your life a living hell if you don't co-operate with them. Also, Try reporting to HR, then you'll get to know he's part of this structure too. They have the audacity to use profane language in reviews," the letter said.
According to the EY employee, their usual working hours normaly last for 12 hours and during the season it goes upto 16 hours.

The anonymous employee also related an instance in which one of their hospitalised coworkers was forced to work from his bed, which led to his immediate resignation.

The motive behind writing this letter was to make people see how worse can these multinationals and big four’s can be. The anonymous EY employee wants the letter and truth spoken to not go in vain and that some strict action be taken against such atrocious work cultures.


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