Sustaining LGBTQIA+ Inclusion Year-Round: Philips India's Vishpala Reddy

Reddy, the Head of HR for Philips Indian Subcontinent, says, "In the Indian corporate arena, DEI training and education initiatives are essential to raise awareness about unconscious bias, inclusive language and the importance of understanding diverse perspectives"

As Pride Month provides an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the progress made, Vishpala Reddy, Head of HR for Philips Indian Subcontinent, emphasises the importance of sustaining momentum for these initiatives throughout the year. She discusses the critical role of continuous education, leadership support and ERGs in creating an inclusive and equitable work environment. Reddy also highlights specific training programmes and recruitment practices that can enhance visibility and representation of the LGBTQIA+ community in the corporate world.


How should companies sustain momentum for LGBTQ+ inclusion initiatives throughout the year, beyond the symbolic gestures of Pride Month?

True solidarity with the LGBTQIA+ community requires companies to extend their inclusivity and diversity initiatives beyond the symbolic gestures of Pride Month, adopting a comprehensive, year-round approach. 

Continuous education and sensitisation training are crucial for maintaining awareness and understanding among employees. These sessions should cover unconscious bias, inclusive language, and the unique challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals in the workplace. For instance, Philips India incorporates such education into its corporate culture through initiatives such as sensitisation e-learning for all employees as a part of onboarding, exclusive sessions for people leaders, toolkit for managers, engaging employees in quizzes to deepen their knowledge of LGBTQIA+, Ally challenge by Pride circle. 

Integrating LGBTQIA+ inclusion into the company's core values and visibly demonstrating leadership support is essential. Philips India exemplifies this by an active Rainbow ERG catering to global as well as local needs, active participation in local Pride Marches and offering inclusive benefits.

Regular evaluation and adjustments based on employee feedback ensure that initiatives remain relevant and effective. This ongoing process of improvement demonstrates a company's commitment to creating a workplace where all employees, including LGBTQIA+ individuals, feel respected, valued, and safe throughout the year.

What are some training programmes that can help in raising awareness and sensitivity towards LGBTQ+ issues among employees?

To foster a truly inclusive workplace culture for LGBTQIA+ employees, companies are implementing a variety of targeted training programmes. These initiatives often include foundational courses like LGBTQIA+ 101, which educate employees on essential terminology and identities, and unconscious bias training to address implicit biases in decision-making.

Inclusive language workshops are essential for promoting respectful communication, while allyship training encourages active advocacy and support for LGBTQIA+ colleagues. Scenario-based learning allows employees to practice inclusive behaviors in realistic workplace situations, fostering a proactive approach to diversity and inclusion.

Additionally, legal and policy training ensures employees understand their rights and the company’s commitment to non-discrimination. Intersectionality workshops explore how overlapping identities impact individuals, enhancing empathy and understanding. Sessions focused on mental health and well-being provide crucial support resources, while executive training ensures leadership is equipped to champion LGBTQIA+ inclusion effectively.

Cultural competency training further deepens understanding of diverse non-binary communities, and feedback mechanisms allow for continuous improvement of these initiatives. This ensures they remain relevant and impactful, promoting a truly inclusive workplace environment.

How does the leadership foster an inclusive and equitable work environment?

Leadership plays a pivotal role in fostering an inclusive and equitable work environment by setting clear diversity goals, modelling inclusive behaviours, and promoting transparent communication. Leaders ensure that policies and practices are fair and supportive for all employees, including LGBTQIA+ individuals. By establishing and communicating robust diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies, leaders demonstrate a commitment to creating a workplace where all employees, regardless of gender, feel valued and respected.

In the Indian corporate arena, DEI training and education initiatives are essential to raise awareness about unconscious bias, inclusive language and the importance of understanding diverse perspectives. These efforts help create a more inclusive work culture across multiple companies.

How do ERGs contribute to promoting inclusivity and diversity?

Employee Resource Groups are pivotal in promoting inclusivity and diversity within organisations through a multifaceted approach. These groups create a sense of community and support for members, fostering a safe space where employees from the non-binary community can connect and share experiences. They offer not only solidarity but also advocacy by providing insights and recommendations to leadership and HR teams. By raising awareness about issues affecting their communities and offering valuable perspectives on inclusivity initiatives, these resource groups help in ensuring that policies and practices are equitable for all employees. 

ERGs such as the India Philips Women Lead, Rainbow Network, and Young Leaders Club at Philips India contribute to professional development through mentorship programmes and networking opportunities tailored to their members. This support not only aids in career advancement but also enhances retention by fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment among employees.

How can companies increase the visibility and representation of this community across roles? 

While companies are taking significant efforts to enhance their inclusivity and diversity metrics, adopting inclusive recruitment practices and actively seeking diverse talent can further contribute to a more representative workforce. Inclusive policies and benefits can not only enhance employee satisfaction and retention but also contribute to higher profitability and revenue. Companies can use their marketing and communication channels to amplify non-binary voices and experiences. By featuring individuals from the community in advertising campaigns, sharing their stories, and showcasing their achievements, companies can foster greater understanding, acceptance and empathy within society.

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