Strategies For Inclusion

"Concerted efforts by both organisations and women can accelerate their progress to leadership roles and foster a more equitable and inclusive corporate leadership landscape." The author is Sakshi Khosla, Head of People, CBRE, India

Despite progress in recent years, the proportion of women holding a C-Suite role continues to trail those of men by far. While CHRO is the only C-Suite role with some gender parity, women remain significantly underrepresented in other top leadership roles. Bridging the gender gap at top leadership levels requires actions from both organisations and women themselves.

In order to ascend more women into C-Suite roles, organisations need to implement targeted inclusion strategies that can dismantle barriers and create pathways for women to grow. Their selection process for leadership roles should be transparent and based on meritocracy, providing women with equal access to such opportunities for career advancement.

To bring about change and attract great female leadership, there is need for shifts in societal perceptions with regard to gender roles and work life balance. Overcoming gender stereotypes, breaking biases and implementing women-friendly policies can serve as a catalyst for change, encouraging more and more talented women to reach leadership roles. Establishing formal mentoring programmes where aspiring women leaders receive mentoring and guidance from seasoned company executives can provide invaluable support and confidence to them. Similarly, sponsorship initiatives, where influential leaders advocate for career advancement of high potential women, can significantly accelerate their progression to leadership roles. Organisations must also actively invest in leadership development programmes tailored specifically for women. These programmes should address challenges women face in the workplace, equipping them with the resilience needed to thrive in leadership positions.

Women, on the other hand, must also actively position themselves for leadership roles by seizing opportunities for growth and advancement. They should not hesitate to move out of their comfort zone, be willing to stretch, take risks and challenge gender stereotypes. They must prioritise continuous learning and invest in building both technical expertise and leadership competencies relevant to C-Suite positions. They must proactively take charge of their own careers by unapologetically advocating for themselves and building their personal brand. This entails confidently articulating their achievements, seeking feedback to identify areas for improvement and striving for roles and salaries commensurate with their skill set & contributions. By embracing self-advocacy and personal brand building, women can overcome barriers.

Women should also cultivate robust professional networks which can expand their visibility and access to career-enhancing opportunities. They should also build their own support systems, both inside and outside of their workplace, which they can actively lean-on as they pursue their career aspirations.

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