Road From CHRO To CEO

Ronesh Puri, MD, Executive Access remarks that while many believe that the lack of CHROs becoming CEOs is due to a missing element of destiny, in reality, becoming a CEO involves strategic planning

Navigating the journey from chief human resources officer (CHRO) to chief executive officer (CEO) requires a strategic blend of leadership, vision and business acumen. This transition highlights the evolving role of HR professionals as they move beyond traditional responsibilities to drive organisational success at the highest level.

In his keynote address at BW People HR Excellence Summit & Awards 2024, Ronesh Puri, Managing Director (MD), Executive Access said, “Approximately 20 per cent of Fortune 500 companies have a CHRO as their CEO. In India, the percentage is significantly lower, around 0.1 to 0.3 per cent, while globally it's about 2-3 per cent. Despite the increasing trend, the path from CHRO to CEO remains relatively untraveled. From my perspective, it's more about choosing a path less travelled rather than an insurmountable obstacle.”

“Over the past decade, I've observed a recurring theme: many believe that the lack of CHROs becoming CEOs is due to a missing element of destiny. However, in reality, becoming a CEO involves strategic planning," he adds. 

Every decision that CHROs make can either propel for three steps forward or push five steps backward. Therefore, it's crucial to evaluate whether one's decisions are advancing them towards their goal or just keeping them in the same place.

“If you change jobs and only see positives, you might be overlooking critical factors. It’s essential to have a clear goal, such as reaching a corner office and developing a roadmap to achieve it. Understand that the roles of CHRO and CEO are different, and your decisions should reflect that. The opportunities are immense, especially in the post-COVID ecosystem. You need to analyse and identify what is truly valuable for you. While you can't control the environment, which does impact your journey, the current environment is more favourable for CHROs aiming to become CEOs,” remarks Puri. 

To navigate this path effectively, one needs to develop a comprehensive plan, seek mentorship for greater clarity, build relationships across different functions and sectors and periodically review and adjust the plan to stay on track.


Mayank Badhwar

BW Reporters The reporter works as Senior Correspondent with BW Businessworld

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