Psychological Safety Drives Employee Mental Well-Being

Personal resilience and psychological safety have become essential pillars for the success and well-being of professionals since employees often choose their work above their personal time or vice versa due to a multitude of personal issues and professional challenges

The concept of diversity is changing in organisations, and it now encompasses not only the more conventional different groups like gender and race, but also hidden variations like learning styles, generations of workers and physical and mental health concerns.

Employee age groups are equally significant; senior leadership, mid-level professionals and younger workers all require different approaches. 

These days, workers see a healthy work-life balance as a right rather than a benefit. This is particularly true for Gen Z and millennial employees, who prefer to find occupations that fit their lifestyles rather than rearranging their personal lives to accommodate their work schedules.

Happiness in the form of pleasant moods and feelings, well-being, and positive attitudes has been gaining increasing attention, which has now extended to job experiences as well, personal and professional lives are inextricably entwined. 

The current health crisis amongst young individuals is indicative of how personal life affects work and interdependencies. Personal resilience and psychological safety have become essential pillars for the success and well-being of professionals since employees often choose their work above their personal time or vice versa due to a multitude of personal issues and professional challenges.

It is urgently necessary for organisations to implement certain well-considered initiatives to lessen and assist employees. 

Burnout, resulting to emotional tiredness, ill health and decreased job performance, can be caused by an imbalance between personal and professional life. The autonomy that comes with exercising hybrid models' flexibility is essential to a positive work environment. People can perform more efficiently when managers have faith in their staff to make the best choices regarding their workloads, priorities, and working conditions. 

Guidance programmes: Assisting young employees in adjusting to the corporate environment by matching them with seasoned mentors provides essential insights, support, and assistance on managing the workplace and striking a healthy work-life balance.

The organisation's emphasis on wellbeing and importance of wellness speaks to its culture. Giving young thriving individuals access to wellness programmes, such as exercise courses, stress management training, and mental health services, encourages them to take care of their general health.

Clear Lines of Communication: Open dialogues and discussions with peers and superiors create a supportive and upbeat work atmosphere. Professionals do best in spaces where they feel free to express themselves and ask for assistance in resolving issues before they arise. 

Organisations with flat hierarchies remove obstacles to entry and encourage young workers to contribute their skills and thrive. When done successfully, these efforts can unleash significant value. Senior leadership is crucial in establishing company ethos and driving culture.

Working with experts and taking on pet projects are made possible by the knowledge-sharing and innovative environments that community learning cultures foster. This mutually beneficial partnership improves organisational agility and equips the workforce to handle new challenges.

Social networking sites that facilitate perspective-sharing, knowledge-sharing, talent-showcasing and individual appreciation assist organisations harness the energy of young people and can greatly improve team culture and togetherness.

Seeing the person as a whole: This acknowledges that a person's personal and professional lives should not be kept apart but rather combined to create a fully realised life. It encourages a more seamless exchange between the two, which may result in reduced stress, increased output and improved health. 

Equipping Managers to handle diverse workforce: Providing managers with the tools they need to manage a diverse workforce. People leaders serve as the face of organisations for employees, it is important to invest in them and help them foster a sense of belonging among the workforce's lower ranks. Providing mechanisms, platforms, and heart skills in addition to soft skills helps them promote and foster a positive work environment amongst workforce. 

Enhancing work-life balance is not merely a benevolent initiative but a strategic imperative that yields substantial benefits for both employees and organisations. The list is exhaustive, not one size fits all, however needless to mention constant effort towards ensuring safe space for people needs effort and contribution across levels.


Sangeeta Shetty

Guest Author The author is the Associate Vice President – HR at Ascendion.

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