Product Designer Quits On Day 1 Over Toxic Manager’s Demands

Sharing his experience on Reddit, Shreyas revealed that he soon realised that his boss expected him to work overtime without any extra compensation, dismissing work-life balance as a "fancy term" and “western developed nation behavior"

A product designer named Shreyas resigned from his new job on the very first day after facing toxic behavior and unreasonable demands from his manager. Sharing his experience on Reddit, Shreyas revealed that he accepted the job despite lower-than-industry-standard pay because of its remote nature. However, he soon realised that his boss expected him to work overtime without any extra compensation, dismissing work-life balance as a "fancy term" and “western developed nation behavior.”

On his first day, Shreyas discovered that his manager expected him to work 12 to 14 hours daily without additional pay, far beyond the standard 9-hour workday. When Shreyas tried to set boundaries, his boss ridiculed him for discussing work-life balance and belittled his personal activities, such as exercising or reading, labeling them as excuses. Shreyas described the environment as exploitative and toxic, marked by personal attacks and unreasonable demands for excessive work without compensation.

Infuriated by these expectations, Shreyas submitted his resignation on his first day. In his resignation email, which has since gone viral on Reddit, he detailed his concerns, calling out his boss for inappropriate and unprofessional behavior. He pointed out the issues with overwork and the boss’s disregard for personal boundaries, challenging him to make their Slack conversations public to let others judge the professionalism of his conduct.

Shreyas’ post received widespread support from Reddit users, many of whom applauded him for standing up against toxic work culture. Some encouraged him to publicly name the company, while others expressed pride in the younger generation’s refusal to tolerate such conditions in the workplace.

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