Over 16,000 Kerala Government Employees Retired On 31 May

Last year, the number of employees retiring on this date was 11,800

Over 16,000 Kerala government employees are set to retire on Friday. This group includes a diverse array of officials such as doctors, police officers, teachers, clerks, drivers, peons, and others working in various state government offices, including the State Secretariat.

In Kerala, state government employees are required to retire at the age of 56. All employees born in May who have reached this age will retire on 31 May. This year, this policy results in over 16,000 employees retiring simultaneously.

The large number of retirements on this particular day can be traced back to a common practice from decades ago. To ensure their children’s admission to school in June, parents often recorded birth dates that matched the admission month. Consequently, many of these employees have birth dates close to June.

Last year, the number of employees retiring on 31 May was 11,800.

This practice of adjusting birth dates has ceased due to modern regulations. Birth dates are now accurately recorded by hospitals and registered with local authorities, who issue birth certificates.

Friday's retirements will be marked by emotional farewells for many employees. However, it will also be a day of celebration for those still in service, as they receive long-awaited promotions. Additionally, the retirements will create fresh vacancies, offering hope to those aspiring for government jobs.

For the financially strained Pinarayi Vijayan government, the mass retirements present a significant challenge. The administration will need to allocate an additional ₹9,000 crore to cover the retirement benefits for the 16,000 retirees.

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