In Conversation With Deepa Param Singhal, Vice President, HCM, Oracle Asia Pacific

How can a leader ensure that employee experience initiatives align with the overall aims and objectives of the company?

We are indeed going through transitional times in the market. Our employees are the single largest competitive advantage an organization has. They represent the organization's brand experience. Despite this, we're witnessing a trend where 88% of Gen Z professionals in India are considering job switches in 2023.

To address this, organizations and HR leaders need to reflect on these trends. Employee experience is the core of what we do and a powerful lever for achieving organizational objectives. To align the employee experience with organizational priorities, we must focus on three key aspects.

Firstly, are the enablers within the organization—systems, processes, and policies—working towards these priorities? Misaligned enablers can hinder employee experiences and limit achievement. Secondly, work application surveys play a role. Are they providing learning insights and enabling efficient workflows? A unified application stack proves beneficial in this regard.

Lastly, technology should intuitively keep everyone on track, aligning with the pace of business. By addressing these aspects, we can drive productivity, enhance workforce resilience, and promote internal mobility, all while aligning with organizational goals.

As organizations increasingly rely on technology and AI, how do you see the role of HR algorithms and analytics balancing with the human element in the employee experience?

Balancing HR algorithms and the human element is crucial. HR algorithms and analytics streamline processes, but we must ensure that employees still feel valued and supported personally. Employees are increasingly seeking a human touch.

For instance, if we utilize AI to automate certain HR tasks, we can free up time for HR professionals to focus on meaningful human interactions, supporting employees' well-being and growth. It's about striking a synergy between technology-driven efficiency and personalized attention.

You mentioned the role of AI. How do you envision generative AI enhancing the employee experience and engagement within HR?

Generative AI is indeed promising in HR. It can revolutionize the employee experience by offering real-time insights, predictive analytics, and personalized recommendations. With generative AI, we can create tailored learning paths, suggest development opportunities, and even identify potential areas of improvement.

For instance, AI-driven chatbots can provide instant answers to employee queries, enhancing engagement. This technology can also facilitate smarter recruitment processes, ensuring a culture fit and aligning candidates' values with the organization's. Overall, generative AI has the potential to elevate the employee experience by making it more intuitive, responsive, and engaging.

Considering your experience in HR and technology, how do you believe the skills and knowledge gained from managing large engagements have influenced your approach as Vice President HCM at Oracle Asia Pacific?

My experience in managing large engagements has significantly influenced my approach in HR. The skills I've gained in setting up transformation centers and managing business growth have taught me the importance of aligning HR strategies with organizational goals. It's about ensuring that talent management contributes directly to the company's success and growth.

The ability to understand and cater to diverse workforce needs is a key takeaway. In HR, just as in business engagements, personalized approaches and effective communication are crucial. Leveraging technology to build agile and responsive HR systems resonates with my experience in driving successful transformations.

As HR increasingly embraces advanced technology, how do you suggest organizations manage concerns around employee privacy and the potential for job displacement?

Addressing concerns around employee privacy and job displacement requires a multi-faceted approach. Firstly, organizations must prioritize data security and transparency. Employees need to know how their data is being used and protected. Open communication about AI's role in decision-making can build trust.

Regarding job displacement, it's important to emphasize that AI is meant to augment human capabilities, not replace them. By reskilling employees, organizations can ensure they're equipped to work alongside AI technologies. Moreover, focusing on roles that require emotional intelligence and creativity can minimize the fear of automation. Ultimately, transparency, upskilling, and a human-centric approach are key to addressing these concerns.

Lastly, what is your advice for HR professionals, employers, and employees as they navigate the evolving landscape of HR technology and employee experience?

My advice would be to remain adaptable and open to change. Embrace technology as an enabler and leverage it to create personalized and meaningful experiences. For HR professionals, continuously upskilling and staying updated on technology trends is crucial to remaining effective in this dynamic environment.

Employers should prioritize transparency, communication, and well-being. Understand the evolving needs of your workforce and tailor experiences accordingly. For employees, embrace learning and development opportunities, and actively participate in shaping your career journey.

Overall, the future of HR lies in harnessing the potential of technology to enhance human experiences. By collaborating, learning, and staying agile, we can collectively shape a positive and impactful future in HR.

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