Get Ready To Loose Out On CLs or Half-Days, If Employees Fail To Report On Time

Instructions have been issued by this Department from time to time for observing punctuality by the Government employees

According to DoPT Order on Late Attendance, a warning has been issued to all government employees. It is now mandated the employees reaching late even ahead of 9:15Am, they shall be marked half day and event occurring more than twice a month will be marked a casual leave

Instructions have been issued by this Department from time to time for observing punctuality by the Government employees. Responsibility for ensuring punctuality in respect of their employees rests with the concerned Ministry/ Department/ Organization (MDO). In this regard, instructions on implementation of Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) by Ministries/Departments/Organizations (MDOs) have also been issued from time to time.

However, it has been observed that despite clear instructions, several employees are not registering their attendance in Biometric Attendance System (BAS) and some of the employees have been coming late on a regular basis.

Instructions from DoPT Order on Late Attendance

a. All employees mark their attendance using AEBAS without fail. This will ensure that there will be no discrepancy between ‘registered’ and ‘active’ employee on AEBAS.

b. In case any employee is not registered over AEBAS, immediate steps should be taken to register his/her biometric data on BAS portal; MDOs may also reconcile the data of registered employees on AEBAS with the employee data on other portals such as eHRMS portal/PFMS portal and the list of employees maintained by the Department.

c. In respect of Divyaang employees, MDOs will make appropriate arrangements for providing convenient and easily accessible machines for capturing biometrics through suitable alternative modes.

d.HODs of the MDOs shall sensitize their employees to adhere to the instructions relating to office hours, late attendance etc. They would download the consolidated report from the portal on a regular basis and identify the defaulters. Habitual late attendance and early leaving of office should be viewed seriously and be essentially discouraged. Strict action against the defaulters may be initiated under the extant GOI rules.

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