Odisha To Fill 1,500 Vacant Professor Posts

The vacancies, which have persisted due to complications arising from the 2020 education policy, will now be prioritised for resolution

Odisha is set to fill over 1,500 vacant professor positions across its universities, according to Higher Education Minister Suryabanshi Suraj. The announcement followed a high-level meeting on Friday, attended by the Higher Education Minister, Law Minister, former university chancellors, and UGC members, which focused on addressing the staffing shortages in the state's higher education sector.

The vacancies, which have persisted due to complications arising from the 2020 education policy, will now be prioritised for resolution. A significant outcome of the meeting was the decision to allow educationists, rather than administrators, to take the lead in appointing faculty members moving forward.

"The key takeaway from today’s meeting is that educationists will assume a pivotal role in the teacher appointment process. We are committed to filling these vacant positions as soon as the legal obstacles are cleared," said Minister Suryabanshi Suraj.

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