People Before Profit Or Profit Before People

When profits come first the casualty is often people. It comes at the cost of the well-being of people in many cases

Very recently, a well-known organization is being seen in a not so positive light, on account of a very unfortunate death of one of its young employees. The employee presumably could not handle the work pressure. One does not know what exactly happened but one refrain that we commonly hear among many youngsters in many organizations is “Long Hours” and “Stress”

We might be discussing a trend across a particular age group, across organizations, but it is a far larger issue. Corporations across the board have to understand and reconcile to one very fundamental aspect of running operations and driving the revenue and profit agenda.

That, it is the people who deliver profits.
It is the skills and capabilities of people that are responsible for the spiraling revenues and profits. If profits come before people, its employees, it is a disservice to society and the very basis of wealth generation.
When profits come first the casualty is often people. It comes at the cost of the well-being of people in many cases. Whereas, if due weightage is given to addressing the concerns of people on the path to profits, the progress is far more balanced.

Oragnizations that have adopted a People First culture have benefitted more in the long run than organizations that have not. A bunch of happy people are more productive and contribute more seamlessly in a much more comprehensive and integrated way towards topline and profits.

They become the company’s evangelists. This people first culture has to be driven from the top. When the seniors are empathetic towards their juniors, when they sincerely value people and relationships, when they are compassionate and value work-life balance they would automatically build and nurture this culture. This creates a tremendous positive impact across levels. The middle manager would also manifest a similar outlook in dealing with his or her team. Recruitment standards would be set in such a way that capability, talent and the human dimension of each employee would be evaluated before they are being made a part of the team.

Vivekananda says “Do not try to be a ruler. He is the best ruler who can serve well. Everyone can play the role of a master, but it is very difficult to be a servant.”

This spirt of service needs to be embedded into the charter of each organization. Being a leader is a privilege. When everyone understands this and delivers his or her privilege with compassion, empathy in a spirit of service, the organization will thrive. There will be great bonhomie and the fire of collective responsibility will be fueled by the lubricant of collaboration. When great talent and ambition is amalgamated with humility it produces wonders. Great people with great talent can produce extra-ordinary profit.

Unfortunately, in the absence of any robust consumer redressal systems in our country as consumers are helpless in situations of product and service issues, in the professional domain, most professionals, managers and executives have no options in the event an organization has an employee unfriendly culture. Or lack of robust Human resource mechanisms and a human culture. Due to the absence of a formalized redressal system.

Employees unfortunately have limited say on the culture of an organisation. In most cases to keep the job secure one has to fall in line. Even if anyone encounters an aggressive boss or a demanding environment, the only option is to quit or fall in line.

Even if someone musters up the courage to stand up for what one believes is not right, he or she does not stand a chance. The entire machinery in the form of the legal, Finance and HR departments would work in perfect synergy and great alacrity, to ensure the swift & seamless exit of anyone with a voice of dissent. Such, is the reality. The voice and clout of the organisation is supreme. No well-meaning employee would dare to think of taking on an organisation in sheer fear of his or her future career prospects.

The constant state of over-supply in a large market like India accentuates the problem. Since  there are always multiple people vying for one position. The leverage is always with the powerful Corporation.

Things have to change. In the land of ancient spirituality, in the land of such rich heritage, a land that upholds the twin values of renunciation and service, the service orientation must be embedded into the charter of every organization. Into the charter of Corporate India Every company must understand that it has been given an opportunity to deliver a set of products and services and earn profit. This, it is doing through the services of a group of professionals. They must be served well and then they must be encouraged to fulfill their roles also in the same spirit of service and humility.

Only then each corporation will play a role in making our society a better place. The idea of the great progress and profit without the all-rounded progress of its employees must be shunned at all cost. Each one us in our great roles we deliver for our organisations and as entrepreneurs, must champion the dictum of People before Profit. Many large organizations in the western world have championed the philosophy of People first. And a handful in the Indian context. Employees sincerely strive to be part of such organisations. It is high time the medium small and large organisations in our country start genuinely inculcating the spirit and culture of service in their charter. Companies will be a better place. The world will be a better place. Happy people create happy environments. The Profits will be a natural outcome.
There will be never be a debate. Which should come first. People or Profits.


Arijit Ray

Guest Author The author is a Thought Leader, Coach, Writer, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Marketing & Branding Professional, Co-Founder & Managing Partner – Paperboat Brandworks. Former CEO at Dentsu India

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