HR Tech, A Catalyst For Transforming Work Culture

Anjan Pathak, CTO and Co-founder, Vantage Circle talks about the difference that HR Tech has brought about in HR processes

Anjan Pathak, CTO and Co-founder, Vantage Circle, who were among the winners in ‘Excellence in HR Technology’ category at the BW People’s HR Excellence Awards, talks about the difference that HR Tech has brought about in HR processes. 

How is HR Tech changing the dynamics of workplace and work culture?

HR technology has transformed how organisations manage everything from recruitment and payroll to employee engagement and wellness. By automating routine tasks, HR professionals can now focus on strategic initiatives that enhance the overall employee experience.

As Gen Z enters the workforce, we see a shift in workplace dynamics. Unlike previous generations, Gen Z prioritises wellbeing, work-life balance, and meaningful work over traditional financial compensation. They value flexibility, inclusivity, and a work environment that aligns with their personal values. This shift requires organisations to rethink how they engage and retain this new generation of talent.

At Vantage Circle, we’ve integrated HR technology to prioritise employee wellbeing and development. Platforms like Vantage Fit offer personalised wellness challenges that cater to the holistic well-being of employees. Our employee engagement platforms enable continuous communication and recognition, fostering a positive and inclusive work culture.

Advanced tools like AI-driven analytics and employee feedback platforms allow HR teams to make data-informed decisions, directly impacting employee satisfaction and productivity. This has led to a more personalised and responsive work environment, where employees feel valued and supported.

Moreover, HR Tech is breaking down geographical barriers, enabling remote work and collaboration across different time zones, which is essential in today’s globalised work environment. This flexibility not only boosts morale but also allows companies to tap into a diverse talent pool.

In essence, HR Tech is more than a tool for managing human resources; it’s a catalyst for transforming work culture. It empowers organisations to create a more connected, engaged, and dynamic workforce, driving both individual and company-wide success. At Vantage Circle, we are at the forefront of this transformation, helping organisations embrace these changes and thrive in the modern workplace.

How is your organisation making optimum use of technology for HR issues?

We are continually integrating the latest technological advancements into our platform to enhance user experience and functionality. Our goal is to make the Recognition Programme more effective by providing a tool that streamlines the often-arduous tasks HR leaders face.

The digital transformation we’ve undertaken is driven by the needs of the modern workplace. For instance, our integration with MS Teams allows seamless recognition and rewards, ensuring that collaboration continues uninterrupted. This has been recognised by MS Teams, naming us among their top 30 partners in the corporate sector.

Additionally, we also ensure seamless connectivity by being accessible across various channels, platforms, and devices, including a dedicated mobile app. 

We’ve also incorporated AI-driven features, such as automatic notifications that prompt managers to reward and recognise peers promptly, ensuring that recognition is timely and unbiased. This ensures that recognition happens regularly and fairly, fostering a culture where gratitude is a daily norm.

Additionally, AI assists in automatic text generation during recognition, enabling users to craft personalised messages efficiently. Our AI-powered wellness programme has pushed the boundaries of technology, exemplified by our Squat Tracker, which uses machine learning to help users perfect their form, maximising performance while minimising injury risk.

What difference has AI made in the HR domain?

AI has revolutionised the HR domain, bringing efficiency, precision, and a deeper understanding of employee needs. Traditionally, HR processes were manual, time-consuming, and prone to human error. Today, AI has reshaped these processes, making them faster, more accurate, and data-driven.

One of the most profound impacts of AI is in talent acquisition. AI-powered tools can sift through thousands of resumes in seconds, identifying the best candidates based on predefined criteria. This speeds up recruitment and ensures that decisions are based on data rather than bias. Moreover, AI analyses candidate interactions, helping HR teams identify those most likely to succeed in specific roles.

Beyond recruitment, AI enhances employee engagement and retention. By analysing employee behaviour, feedback, and performance data, AI provides insights that allow HR teams to take proactive measures. Personalised interventions can be tailored to retain top talent. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants offer instant information and support, improving the overall employee experience.

AI also plays a crucial role in creating personalised employee experiences. It enables HR teams to tailor benefits, learning opportunities, and wellness programmes to individual preferences, leading to higher engagement and productivity. For instance, AI can recommend specific wellness challenges based on an employee’s activity data or suggest career development opportunities aligned with their goals.

AI’s impact extends beyond operational efficiency. It fosters a more inclusive and equitable workplace by identifying patterns of bias in hiring, promotions, and compensation. By relying on data rather than intuition, AI helps HR teams make fairer, more informed decisions.

In conclusion, AI has profoundly transformed the HR domain by automating routine tasks, enhancing decision-making, and personalising the employee experience. At Vantage Circle, we leverage AI to improve our processes and create a more engaging, inclusive, and responsive work environment.

While it is widely believed that technology eliminates biases in recruitments and promotions, how are human aspects like empathy taken care of in the organisation?

While technology, especially AI, has significantly reduced biases in recruitment and promotion by focusing on objective data, it cannot replace the essential human qualities like empathy that are crucial for a thriving workplace. At Vantage Circle, we recognise the importance of balancing technology with a strong emphasis on empathy to build a supportive and inclusive organisational culture.

Here’s how we ensure empathy is woven into the fabric of our organisation:

Human-driven leadership: We empower our leaders to connect with their teams personally. Leaders are encouraged to practise active listening, engage in meaningful conversations, and show genuine concern for their employees’ wellbeing. This approach ensures that decisions are not just data-driven but also considerate of the individual circumstances and emotions of each employee.

Wellbeing programmes with a human touch: Our wellness initiatives, especially through Vantage Fit mobile app, support employees holistically. We focus on their physical health and equally on their mental and emotional wellbeing. We recognise that true well-being involves feeling heard, supported, and valued, which is why our programmes include resources for stress management, mental health support, and opportunities for employees to share their experiences and challenges.

Fostering a culture of empathy: Beyond leadership, we cultivate empathy across all levels of the organisation. We encourage open communication and create safe spaces for employees to express their thoughts and feelings. Regular check-ins, feedback loops, and peer support systems are in place to ensure that every voice is heard and respected.

Training and Development: We provide ongoing training for our teams to help them develop and strengthen their empathy skills. This includes workshops on emotional intelligence, active listening, and conflict resolution, ensuring that empathy is not just an abstract value but a practiced skill within our organisation.


Meha Mathur

BW Reporters The author works as Senior Associate Editor with BW Businessworld

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