Ma Foi & ProSculpt Collaborate To Increase Student Employability

The aim of the 'Career Cafe' forum is to bridge the gap between academic training and industry expectations through regular exchange of interaction between the industry representatives and institutions

Ma Foi Strategic Consultants, a player in HR and talent management services, has launched Career Café, organised in collaboration with ProSculpt, a bridging forum that brings together HR professionals and Training and Placement Officers on one platform to discuss placement and career growth opportunities for students. The aim of the forum is to bridge the gap between academic training and industry expectations through regular exchange of interaction between the industry representatives and institutions.

Commenting on the launch, Rajiv Krishnan, MD & CEO of Ma Foi Strategic Consultants said “With Career Café, we are addressing a critical need to bridge the gap between academic training and industry expectations. This platform aims to foster open dialogue between HR professionals and academic institutions, enabling a better understanding of the evolving job market. By facilitating regular interactions, we hope to equip students with the skills and insights they need to meet industry demands and enhance their employability. Career Café serves as a dynamic space for exchanging ideas, best practices, and networking, ultimately helping shape the future of talent development.”

Ma Foi’s Career Café offers a variety of benefits designed to bridge the gap between academia and industry. The platform also facilitates networking between industry experts and educational institutions, providing valuable insights into emerging job roles, skill sets in demand, and evolving industry trends. Additionally, the forum promotes the exchange of best practices in areas such as student placements, resume building, interview preparation and career counseling, ultimately enhancing student readiness for the workforce.

Notably, Prosculpt has been instrumental in this process by offering advanced career assessment tools and personalised guidance, further supporting students in aligning their skills with industry needs. Through collaboration, Career Café aims to align academic training with real-world industry expectations, benefiting both students and employers alike.

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