NITES Appeals To Labour Ministry Over Infosys's Prolonged Onboarding Delays

The 2,000 recruits faced financial strain and uncertainty due to the lack of income and a clear onboarding timeline, feeling that Infosys has breached their trust

The Nascent Information Technology Employees Senate (NITES) has called on the Ministry of Labour & Employment to investigate Infosys for repeatedly delaying the onboarding of over 2,000 campus recruits. These delays, which have persisted for more than two years, have significantly impacted the affected graduates. Many of these individuals had accepted Infosys’s job offers in good faith, declining other opportunities. Now, they face financial strain and uncertainty due to the lack of income and a clear onboarding timeline, feeling that Infosys has breached their trust.

NITES is urging the Ministry to ensure that Infosys fulfills its commitments to these new hires by taking the following actions:

Compensation: Provide full salary payments for the duration of the onboarding delays.
Employee Assistance: Grant immediate access to Infosys’s employee assistance programme to address the mental and emotional stress caused by the delays.
Alternative Employment: If onboarding continues to be infeasible, Infosys should actively assist these graduates in finding suitable alternative employment opportunities within the company.

The future careers and well-being of these young professionals are at stake. NITES implores the Ministry to take prompt action to protect these employees and ensure they are not unfairly penalised due to Infosys’s decisions.

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