Need For More Women On Floor

"There is a need to break stereotypes and glass ceiling at workplaces." The author is Pavitra Singh, CHRO & VP, PepsiCo India & South Asia

The issue of glass ceiling in evolved companies is unconscious and unintentional. Good companies want and need diverse talent based on merit.

We need more women standing on the floor – whether it is the factory floor, retail floor, stockbroking floor, aircraft cockpit floor and the management floor. When more women stand on every floor in every industry, then the glass ceiling is a next natural step. Inputs for every woman thinking about this topic:

The first is to challenge any stereotype in the company. Just because something has been followed (mostly blindly) for a few decades, does not make it true. So, question the stereotype to improve the company, not to pull it down. And please do so inside the company meeting room and not in social media or at the watercooler.

You are solely responsible for your development. HR can help facilitate and locate relevant courses or coaches, but your development is in your hands. Develop yourself diligently, when you do that, this preparation opens its own opportunities. Develop new skills, develop new facets of your personality and develop a network. Networks are important and women are oftentimes shy to network. Network in a positive way – go and contribute to your industry body, your alma mater to start with.

If you have something to say, then say it, whether it’s a meeting, a town hall or a casual conversation. Make your voice count. In doing so, speak with honesty, be patient, be assertive, never aggressive. Many women and men jeopardise their careers with an adrenaline of aggression. Being a woman is not a silence license.

There will be times when you will be rewarded, times you will be overlooked. Don’t ever doubt your intrinsic value when you are overlooked. You must recognise it’s not a reflection of you or your talent. If you believe in your talent, then few forces on earth can stop you from breaking the glass ceiling. So, whenever you experience some form of rejection, double down on getting better.

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