Escape to a better environment: Pleasin Strides Foundation

Pleasin Strides Foundation, an initiative by Sagar Kaushik & amp; has brought together young professionals from different industries with a sole goal of bringing a positive change. The NGO has recently launched a very interesting initiative wherein they take waste from the corporate and in return they provide Air purifying plants to them, the waste is sold to recycling plants and the profit made in this process is used for Girl child education, thus, a self-sustainable model for the noble cause which does not depend on charity.

Today at Delhi Traffic Police headquarters, Pleasin Strides organized a campaign where they took an initiative of recognizing the hard of the traffic Police personnel who are most vulnerable to pollution as they spend a majority of their time in the traffic and at places which are highly polluted. Sagar Kaushik, a social Innovator, presented the traffic police personnel with indoor plants which they can keep in their houses and helps in purifying the air. 

Addl. Commissioner of Police Mr. S.N. Mosobi, Chief Guest and Joint Commissioner of Police (Traffic - HQ) Mr. Alok Kumar were also felicitated by Mr. Kaushik for their constant support, hard work, and undying spirit to work for the citizens.

Officers from several other departments were also presented with the plants too,  for acknowledging their hard work and also as a token of reminder that it is equally important to care for the environment as it is for the citizens of the nation.

This Initiative taken by Sagar Kaushik Founder of Pleasin Strides Foundation was managed by Manju Singh (TI/RSC) & team.

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