Reflecting Enough To Unite And empower Professionals From All Walks Of Life?

Pride Month is not just a celebration; it is a powerful reminder of the resilience and courage of those who have fought—and continue to fight—for the right to live authentically

Pride Month was officially recognised by President Bill Clinton President Bill Clinton in 1999 to further the cause of ‘gay and lesbian civil rights'. June was chosen in remembrance of the June 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan.

According to Ipsos Pride Survey 2024, “(There is) Widespread concern about the discrimination faced by transgender people. A global country average of 66 per cent* (and a majority in 25 out of 26 countries) say transgender people face a great deal/fair amount of discrimination in society today. And 72 per cent say transgender people should be protected from discrimination in employment, housing and access to businesses such as restaurants and stores.”

But people who do not focus on how well people from Pride community are rejoicing upon abolishment of section 377 and many other such celebratory landmarks. Talking about the scenario in corporate realm, well there were times when ‘coming out’ wasn’t anywhere close to as an option. Corporate employees from LGBTQIA+ segment upon reaching office used to adorn an artificial hat, pretending to be one of them, as there was a different definition to who they were.

But, a surge of multi-coloured flags for one month once a year doesn’t mean the fight for true equal rights for the community has been won.

This year's theme, ‘Reflect, Empower, Unite.’ encapsulates the essence of Pride and calls on us to look back on our journey, uplift each other and stand together in solidarity.

But the thought still remains unanswered; are we ‘reflecting’ enough to ‘unite’ and ‘empower’ professionals from all walks of life?


Reflection is the first pillar of this year's theme. It invites us to look back at the history of the LGBTQIA+ movement, acknowledging the struggles, sacrifices and victories that have paved the way for today's freedoms.

From the Stonewall Riots of 1969 to the more recent battles for marriage equality and transgender rights, abolition of section 377, the history of the LGBTQIA+ community is rich with stories of bravery and resilience.

Ipsos study reveals, “Today, the significant societal shift looks to be reflected in our global polling, which finds Gen Zers (17 per cent on average across 26 countries) are the most likely generation to identify as part of the LGBT+ community, followed by Millennials at 11 per cent. Whether younger generations will continue to identify as LGBT+ as they age and more settle into long-term romantic relationships remains to be seen.”

Reflecting on this history reminds us of the progress made and the work still to be done. It is an opportunity to honour the pioneers and activists who have fought tirelessly for equality, often at great personal risk. Their legacy is a beacon of hope and a source of inspiration for future generations.


Empowerment is at the heart of Pride. This year, the focus relays on empowering individuals within the LGBTQIA+ community to live their truth and reach their full potential. Empowerment means advocating for equal rights, providing support & resources and creating environment where everyone can thrive regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Empowering the community also involves celebrating the achievements and contributions of LGBTQIA+ individuals in all fields, from arts and culture to science and politics. It means amplifying voices that have been marginalised and ensuring that everyone has a seat at the table.


Unity is the final pillar of this year's theme. Pride Month is a time to come together, not just as a community, but as a society. It is a call to allies to stand with the LGBTQIA+ community in the fight for equality and justice. Unity means building bridges, fostering understanding, and promoting acceptance.

And most importantly, unity plays an utmost pivotal role when LGBTQIA+ community is embraced with loves and respect, as other human communities as they too are God’s creation.

By uniting, we create a stronger, more inclusive society where diversity is celebrated and everyone is valued for who they are. Unity is about recognising that the fight for LGBTQIA+ rights is interconnected with other social justice movements. It is about standing together against all forms of discrimination and oppression.

Celebrating Pride 2024 With Pride

Throughout June, cities around the world today hosts parades, events and activities to celebrate Pride. These events are regarded as vibrant displays of love and solidarity, offering opportunities for education, advocacy and community building.

While significant strides have been made in legal rights, representation and corporate support, many challenges remain. From legal repression to violence and health disparities, the fight for equality is far from over.

As we celebrate Pride, it's essential to continue advocating for change, supporting LGBTQIA+ individuals and recognising the unique struggles faced by queer communities globally. By raising awareness and fostering inclusivity, we can work towards a world where everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can live with dignity and respect.


sugandh bahl

BW Reporters The author is working as Sr Correspondent with BW Businessworld and BW People

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