Monday Blues Isn't "The Indian Work Culture," Says Kangana Ranaut, BJP MP

She believes that the culture of weekend offs and memes on Monday blues is nothing but western influence

The concept of having weekends off, along with the familiar sentiment of dreading Mondays, is often perceived as a universal norm. However, when we delve into the cultural and historical context of India, it becomes evident that this structure is not inherently Indian but rather a product of Western influence.

And evidently, Actress-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut has taken to Instagram to speak about it. She posted PM Narendra Modi's clipping where he is seen speaking at length about,“Together we have just one goal – Nation First. Just one intention – 2047 Viksit Bharat. I have said this publically, my each and every moment is for the country. I have also promised the country – 24×7 for 2047."












According to Ranaut," we need to normalise obsessive work culture and stop waiting for weekends and crib about Monday blues."

She believes that the culture of weekend offs and memes on Monday blues is nothing but western influence. 'We Aren't a Developed Nation, Can't Be Lazy," believes the newly elected BJP MP from Mandi. 

Also, Ranaut isn't the only one who believes that Indians are being largely influenced with western wook future. Earlier,  Infosys founder NR Narayana Murthy's comments had also ignited a social media storm after he remarked that people should work 70 hours a week to boost the country's overall work productivity and economy. 

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