When you are happy, only then you can make others happy: Experts discuss at JobsForHer event

How often do women go back to their career after becoming mothers or a professional break? JobsForHer, an organization exclusively for women who want to be working professionals after a career break.

Their initiative ‘RestartHer’ encourages and uplifts women to get back into the corporate world to achieve their goals and rise, despite personal responsibilities.

Today at an event hosted by JobsForHer at Taj Vivanta, Dwarka, our Assistant Editor shared the panel with eminent speakers from the industry exceling in different verticals.

Starting with the panel discussion on ‘Inspiring Aspirants’ and challenges that women face at their workplace. Taniya Tikoo said “My mother told me one day that the only thing a woman must have is financial Independence. The biggest barrier that stops women going back to work is just herself. As all of the women have been brought up, they have a feeling of guilt and responsibility which stops them to step out. A woman should love herself first, only then she’ll be able to deliver the emotions.”

Pradeep Chopra from Digital Vidya supported Tikoo on her statement and said that there is no boundary except for what we have in our mind. 

Radhika Katyal, working with Mettl, said that I’m a mother of a two-year old, and I’ve never felt like I have to leave my professional life for any responsibility. We need to set our own priorities. 

President at Pearl Academy, Prof.Nandita Abraham said, “I think we need to find the strength within us and around us to be where we want to be.”

The moderator asked Tikoo about how are the struggles around different industry?

Taniya, “I think no job is easy or difficult, but talking about a media house, it is of course a little challenging, but that’s what we sign up for. If it requires me to file a story in real time, and I don’t, it just gets stale. So, it is a challenging, but it is much more exciting than that. Talking about work-life balance, you can always balance your personal and professional line be it in any industry. In future when I get married, or have a baby, I would set my priorities.

Differing on Tikoo’s statement, Katyal said “As I’m already a mother, I want to share that I did change my work, I changed my field and priorities will change in certain situations, but your passion and your aim shouldn’t.”

Chopra shared his views on women coming back to work after break, and said that professional career of women will be valued when they come back to work, but then again, development is running at light speed and every woman who comes back to work would have to up-skill and re-skill to catch up, and we need to support them.

Discussion about this, Tikoo asked why is it that coming back to work from break, why is it always women have to take permission to go back to work?

Harpreet Kaur, the session chair responded “It’s all about how women are raised, they are always expected to be responsible for the family, to take care of them but for men their job is primary, and now for future we need to raise our children right so when they grow up they would understand that working and professional life is equally important for both men and women and both the genders are equally responsible for the family. 

On this Tikoo said, that there are still women who voluntarily leave their career and professional life and are the happiest about it.

Replying to this Katyal said “We’re in a transitional zone, there are people whose priority change as they grow up and grow into relationships. But then again, it’s completely their choice.”

Concluding the session, the panellists were asked about what Is their inspiration to which Taniya replied, “My mother has been my role model, and I would want to become a mother like mine.”


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