Vention Ire On Video

As per a recent Digipoll survey on exit interviews conducted by Genius Consultants Ltd., one of India’s leading human resource solutions organisations, a new trend of video exit interviews has been seen as emerging in the current market. An overwhelming 60 per cent of the respondents said that they were fin e with their exit interviews being conducted on video. 

The nationwide survey, which covered over 500 organisations, reports that around 60 per cent of the participating employees are willing to have their exit interviews on video and are okay with these being posted on social media, while around 40 per cent respondents are averse to the notion. The survey also highlights that 64 per cent respondents feel that exit interviews are critical in predicting future employee turnover. 

Around 62 per cent said that employees’ exit surveys and feedback mechanisms thereof help in creating better efficiencies and desirable workplace environment. An overwhelming majority of more than 79 per cent respondents said that exit surveys go a long way in gauging employee satisfaction. 

Ethics Issue

According to Praveen Purohit, Deputy CHRO, Vedanta Group, “I think there is nothing wrong ethically or otherwise in asking employees to share a detailed reason while leaving. In all fairness, employees can still refuse to give an exit interview unless compelled by contract. Whether it’s an exit interview or just filling a form, it is a two-way platform that serves both the employee and the employer.”

He further adds, “For the employer it is a source of unbiased feedback, since employees can share freely without the fear of any repercussions. For the employee it’s a means to vent their feelings and thoughts and share any type of feedback, be it positive or otherwise. At Vedanta we welcome any type of feedback as we look at it from a positive lens since there is always scope for doing better and we believe in constantly changing & transforming for good.” 

“Indeed, it is quite ethical to ask employees about their reason/s for leaving during exit interviews. It helps the organisation look into the mirror and assess their current policies and practices and take necessary action, if required. It also helps an organisation look at emerging trends and relook at their strategy from time to time. Exit interviews are also very critical in predicting future employee turnover. From a professional lens, exit interviews and the feedback associated with it help in creating desirable workplace environments and help in assessing employee satisfaction,” states Amit Das, Director-HR & CHRO, Bennett Coleman. 

Capturing the conversation on video and posting it on social media sends out a very positive message about the organisation to the professional world. It shows that the organisation believes in transparency and is open to feedback. Most importantly, it shows that the organisation is not shying away from its possible areas of improvement and putting it out there for the world to see. 

Commenting on the survey, RP Yadav, Chairman and Managing Director, Genius Consultants Ltd says, “Organisations are aware of the importance of exit interviews at workplaces. These sessions play a critical role in identifying core issues that plague a healthy work environment. We are cognizant of the fact that today is the day and age of social media, but it was refreshing to see respondents coming out in large numbers and agreeing on having their exit interviews being posted on social media platforms. The organisations, by virtue of the exit interviews being posted on the social media platforms, can create a favourable impression on prospective employees in terms of transparency and exhibit great workplace culture.” 

 He further adds, “Millen - nials and the upcoming Gen Z generation that is on the anvil of being employed find online platforms the safest medium to gain knowledge and make an informed decision about anything important. The easy access and heavy engagement with social media make it a preferred option for workplaces to build their image too.” 

Fad or Trend?

The communications channels have evolved over the years and with the advances in technology, including the smartphone revolution, the way we communicate has changed drastically over the last decade. Nowadays, the Millennials and Gen Z feel that the internet is the fastest and the most accurate source of information.  

Platforms like Glassdoor, Ambition Box etc. have already provided the option for existing employees to share their views about the current organisations. Das believes that in view of this, the workplaces have also evolved their strategies to interact with the current and prospective employee via their social media handles and build their image. He feels that this trend is here to stay and will keep evolving with certain aspects of the meta verse coming into the picture as well. 

While Purohit believes that public may want this practice to continue, but from an employee or employer perspective, this does not seem like a value-adding practice. It can be a marketing stunt but chances of this practice becoming a norm are very slim.

While the positives can be easily highlighted, the finer details would warrant a closer look. To make this work, organisations need to showcase both sides of the coin and not highlight only the positives aspects. Also, they need to act on the feedback received, which would send a positive message to the outside world and would definitely reinforce their values as an organisation. The professional world understands the fact that every organisation has some shortcomings. What matters most is that they are open to accepting them and are agile enough to take necessary action.

 (The above article appeared in the August issue of BW People publication)

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