Transformative Trends: HR's Tech Leap, Agile Shift & Employee Experience Revolution

Organisations are reshaping HR processes with cutting-edge technologies like automation and AI. Irani Srivastava Roy, chief human resources officer (CHRO), Signify India believes that this revolution includes agile talent acquisition, personalised continuous learning, and the adoption of agile practices for swift responses to business changes. She explains that HR's focus on hyper-personalisation and digital platforms ensures an end-to-end positive employee experience, from onboarding to offboarding, underscoring the crucial role of HR in creating a dynamic and responsive workplace culture.

How have organisations leveraged emerging technologies to transform HR processes? 

Organisations have widely adopted innovative technology to change HR procedures by 2023. Automation, artificial intelligence, and data analytics have all played important roles in expediting hiring, performance management, talent and succession health as well as employee engagement. Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) have advanced to the point that real-time data analysis and allied insights are possible, allowing for more informed decision-making. Chatbots and virtual assistants have improved employee self-service by offering quick answers to frequently asked questions. Digital tools have been able to support the incentive process, thereby driving productivity, mostly in at scale sales organisations. Furthermore, the incorporation of predictive analytics has optimised talent acquisition, assisting in the identification and retention of high-performing individuals. 

What trends did you observe in employee learning and development, and how can organisations stay ahead in fostering continuous learning? 

Continuous learning remains a cornerstone in employee development. Personalised learning methods, microlearning modules, and immersive technology such as virtual reality will be popular in 2023. Metaverse experience is at the forefront of being used to provide holistic on-boarding experience. Organisations are investing in digital platforms to provide on-demand access to training resources, encouraging a self-directed learning culture. What has however seen a comeback post covid is the hybrid ways of learning (virtual as well as face to face) depending upon the audience and the theme.  Skill based learning interventions, along with talent marketplace have provided for the customisation that is critical to individual’s development needs. To stay ahead of the competition, firms should prioritise agile learning approaches, stimulate knowledge-sharing through collaborative platforms, and match learning programmes with changing industry trends.

How has the approach to talent acquisition evolved given the competitive landscape, and what strategies are being employed to attract top talent? 

In 2023, the talent acquisition marketplace has grown extremely competitive. Hyper-personalisation of candidate experience has been in the forefront to attract the best fit talent. Flexible hiring models and data-driven decision-making enable firms to adapt quickly to talent demands through agile recruitment methods. Predictive AI tools have also enabled organisations to further improve their candidate pool, leveraging right fit, not just in terms of skills but behavioral attributes as well. One key focus of organisations has been to build an experiential high-touch digitally enabled journey from offer till onboarding and beyond. Employers continue to leverage employer branding to showcase their unique culture and values, more so as organisations start coming back to work physically. Furthermore, encouraging diversity and inclusion efforts has become an important tactic for attracting top talent looking for inclusive environments. Lastly, with the changing demographics, the trend has been to invest in ‘Purpose led” hiring, where one is clear of the broader purpose that one is contributing to. These trends will evolve furthermore with the war for talent only intensifying in the coming years.

In the context of evolving business needs, how can HR departments adopt agile practices to respond quickly to changes? 

HR teams can better respond to changing business demands by implementing agile principles. This involves adopting iterative processes, cross-functional collaboration, and a focus on flexibility and outcome orientation, but making it achievable in byte size format. HR can apply agile approaches to performance management, talent acquisition, and project management. Continuous feedback loops and regular retrospectives allow teams to quickly learn and modify. What agile also incorporates is customer loop back, iteration and continuous real time improvement, that is so valuable for impact. Embracing technology that supports agile processes and fostering an adaptable culture are critical components of successfully implementing agile approaches in HR. 

How is HR enhancing the overall employee experience, from onboarding to daily interactions and offboarding? 

HR is playing a crucial role in enhancing the end-to-end employee experience. Hyper-personalisation of candidate experience, looking at onboarding, which is not constrained by geographical boundaries, use of metaverse to provide the holistic experience to new joiners, along with high-touch interventions like mentorship initiatives contribute to a smooth integration into the company culture. Digital platforms that allow communication, cooperation, and recognition enhance daily encounters. Using these platforms for early success, enabling enhancement of skill, competency and technical expertise as one evolves in the roles and responsibilities, is critical to retain talent. HR is also emphasising employee well-being, not in the traditional sense, but customising it to the needs of individuals at ‘moments that matter’. Wellness programmes and flexible work schedules are enablers that organisation is equipping employees with. Empathic offboarding procedures are used, and exit interviews are held to collect insightful feedback for future enhancement. Alumni programmes also help build a sustained connect with talent, in turn building the value of the employer brand. By prioritising employee needs at every stage, HR contributes significantly to a positive and engaging work environment, leading to sustained business results.

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