Silent Sufferers & Vocal Dissenters: A Closer Look At Disengagement

Today, it has become essential for organisations to recognise and address the subtleties of employee disengagement. This issue is often expressed through ‘quiet quitting’ or the more vocal ‘loud quitting,’ both of which carry significant implications for the workplace. Siva Prasad Nanduri, CEO of Diensten Tech Limited, delves into the differences between these two forms of disengagement and how companies can proactively tackle them. 

Could you explain the concept of ‘Loud Quitting’ in the workplace and how does it differ from ‘Quiet Quitting’?

In the workplace, there are two common ways employees show disengagement: ‘quiet quitting’ and ‘loud quitting.’ 

Quiet quitting happens when employees do just enough to meet their job requirements and fulfill their scheduled hours. They won't complain, but they also won't go the extra mile or show enthusiasm for their work. It's like they're on autopilot, doing the bare minimum. On the flip side, loud quitting is when employees openly express their dissatisfaction and disengagement. They're vocal about their unhappiness, desire for change and their intention to leave the company. They don't hold back and make it clear that something needs to change.

Understanding these two forms of disengagement can help employers identify and address issues in the workplace to keep their team motivated and productive.

What are some prominent signs or behaviors associated with loud quitting that HR professionals and organisations should be aware of?

Recognising signs of loud quitting is crucial for HR professionals and organisations. These signs often manifest in actively disengaged employees who experience heightened stress levels at work. A notable contrast exists between engaged and disengaged employees, with only 30 per cent of the former reporting "a lot of stress" daily, compared to 56 per cent of the latter.

To spot a disengaged employee, be on the lookout for significant drops in engagement levels, increased absenteeism, more frequent sick days and a decline in performance, project completion times or overall productivity. By proactively addressing these signs and understanding the needs of employees, companies can take preventive measures to curb disengagement and the subsequent loud quitting. This approach fosters a more engaged and satisfied workforce.

In the context of the State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report by Gallup, which highlights that nearly one in five employees is actively disengaged, what factors do you think contribute to this growing disengagement trend?

Gallup's 2023 Global Workplace report paints a concerning picture, revealing that nearly 20 per cent of employees are actively disengaged. This report pinpoints several key factors driving this trend, including dissatisfaction with pay, limited career growth opportunities, ineffective management, stressful work environments, poor cultural fit and an organisation's resistance to change.

These factors can result in a substantial decline in engagement, increased absenteeism, more frequent sick leave, and diminished performance, longer project timelines and reduced productivity. To combat this disengagement, organisations must proactively address these issues and actively engage with their employees. By doing so, they can create a more satisfying and engaging workplace while averting the negative consequences of employee disengagement.

Do you believe that the rise of remote work and the changes in work dynamics brought about by the pandemic have played a role in the increase of disengagement among employees? If so, how can organisations adapt to these changes to keep their employees engaged and motivated?

The global shift to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic prompted numerous IT companies to close their physical offices, resulting in millions of employees working from home. Many of these companies are likely to continue remote work arrangements even post-pandemic. However, remote work can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation and detachment from the company's culture, potentially causing employee disengagement.

To counter this, organisations can take proactive measures to maintain employee engagement and motivation. These include providing regular feedback, setting clear performance expectations, offering opportunities for professional growth and promoting a healthy work-life balance. By placing a strong emphasis on employee well-being and engagement, companies can effectively prevent disengagement and enhance overall employee satisfaction.

What role does company culture play in mitigating employee disengagement and how can organisations build a culture that promotes employee satisfaction and loyalty?

The company's culture plays a pivotal role in tackling employee disengagement. A positive workplace culture can make employees feel appreciated, driven and involved, whereas a negative one can result in disengagement and demotivation. To cultivate a culture that encourages employee contentment and commitment, organisations should emphasise employee well-being, provide avenues for professional growth, accommodate flexible work arrangements and encourage transparent communication. By instilling a culture that prizes employee engagement and satisfaction, companies can effectively stave off disengagement and enhance employee retention rates. It's vital to pinpoint the underlying causes of disengagement and take proactive measures to resolve them, fostering a constructive work environment.

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