"Prioritise Learning Aspirations To Attract & Retain GenZ Talent"

Remadevi Thottathil, chief human resources officer (CHRO) at Bahwan CyberTek (BCT), sheds light on key considerations for talent acquisition and retention, especially with the upcoming prominence of Generation Z in the workforce. Addressing Gen Z's expectation of a healthy work-life integration, Thottathil highlights the evolving workplace dynamics in the post-pandemic era and the importance of aligning organisational values with Gen Z's focus on purpose and social responsibility. 

What role does career development play in talent acquisition strategy for Gen Z? 

Workplace demographics have undergone a dramatic shift over the past few years. According to the Glassdoor 2024 Workplace Trends report, Gen Z is expected to outnumber Boomers next year, becoming a significant part of the workforce. For this generation, career development is paramount. A recent Randstad report shows that Gen Z values learning and development more highly than flexibility and sometimes even remuneration, which highlights how important upskilling is to this generation. It’s clear that if employers want to attract and retain Gen Z, then they must prioritise the learning aspirations of this diverse cohort born between 1997 and 2012. 

Considering Gen Z's affinity for technology, how can companies integrate innovative technologies into its recruitment and onboarding processes? 

There is no doubt that they are digital natives. They grew up with smartphones and are adept at living with technology. It is only natural for them to expect technology to be ingrained in all operational processes beginning with hiring. For organisations keen on attracting and retaining Gen Z, it is important to keep the onboarding process seamless and responsive. 

Effective onboarding sets the tone for employee experience, and ensuring feedback with the intent to accept new ideas and change conventional processes will go a long way towards talent retention. At BCT, we give access to our internal tool eBuddy as part of our onboarding process. eBuddy available also as an app can be used for requests covering hardware, applications, HR, admin and finance, reducing time spent on emails asking for approvals and updates.  

How can HR leaders ensure that diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords but actively practiced in talent acquisition and retention strategies? 

Establishing measurable objectives definitely brings a positive impact on diversity and inclusion. That said, I think it is also important to understand that diversity is not just about statistics, it is about diversity of thoughts. It is also about creating an ecosystem that helps people with unique perspectives thrive. What has helped improve our diversity ratio is a top-down approach, where leaders have actively demonstrated inclusive behaviours and have played an active role in identifying and removing biases.    

In what ways can organisations communicate their commitment to social responsibility to attract and retain Gen Z talent? 

Purpose is important to Gen Z including what organisations are doing in the space of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals and how they are making this agenda their business priority. We are very vocal about this purpose at the events and conferences we participate in and on all our communication channels. The fact that we play a role in helping our clients leverage digital transformation to build sustainable businesses, makes it easier for us to share this story with our young candidates.  

How can leaders address the Gen Z expectation of a healthy work-life integration?  

The workplace has undergone significant changes post the pandemic. We have embraced hybrid work, learned to use technology to work without disruptions, and we have renewed our interest in learning and upskilling. Gen Z will further catalyze a change in the workplace. Leaders who understand their desire for entrepreneurship, purpose and continuous learning will be able to adapt to this new era.

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