ISF Signs MoU With NSDC For Employment-Linked Skilling Programme

The collaborative effort stands as a force in providing formal employment opportunities, recognising the critical role that skill development plays in meeting the demands of various industries
Indian Staffing Federation recently signed a MoU with the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), in a first ever initiative to drive Employment linked skilling ecosystem to address the need for meeting employment demand with required skills. This collaborative and impactful initiative has been undertaken in view of addressing the increasing gap in the industry where more than 30 per cent demands are unfilled due to skill mismatch. This project, while is currently under a pilot, where staffing member companies of ISF along with NSDC are co-creating an eco-system that will bring a conducive environment to grow the Employment led skilling opportunities for the nation's youth.
The collaborative effort stands as a pivotal force in providing formal employment opportunities, recognizing the critical role that skill development plays in meeting the demands of various industries. By combining the strengths of NSDC's expertise in skill development with the extensive reach of the Indian Staffing Federation and its member companies, the initiative strives to bridge the gap between industry requirements and the skill sets of the youth.
This initiative which commenced early this year, has formed the background to the recently announced employment-linked incentives by the Government to transform job creation for young Indians. The collaboration will definitely be a steppingstone towards the government’s proposal on creating jobs and focus on skill development of the employees. Taking forward the Staffing industry’s vision, ISF members are the ones facilitating this skill led employment generation to bring opportunities from the aspirational districts. The formal staffing industry has been investing in training and upskilling 35-50 per cent of its workforce each year to meet customer demands. As part of the initiative, Staffing companies will reach out to the people at grass root level who do not get the opportunity to be part of the formal sector and get them skilled.
Speaking about the collaboration Lohit Bhatia, President ISF said “This concerted effort is geared towards establishing formal employment linkages, with a primary focus on elevating candidates through upskilling initiatives to enhance their employability. We strive to align their educational qualifications seamlessly with the ever-evolving demands of the job market, ensuring a dynamic and resilient workforce ready for the challenges of tomorrow."
Speaking on the occasion, Ved Mani Tiwari, CEO, National Skill Development Corporation said “Our program is a comprehensive initiative dedicated to identifying skill development challenges and collaboratively crafting tailored solutions for companies to overcome skilling hurdles. Embracing a mass movement approach, our goal is the holistic transformation of candidates at the grass root level. With this collaboration, we look forward to upskill the candidates from the Aspirational Districts and provide them formal employment opportunity with the support of Staffing companies. This will also facilitate first-time UAN generation contributing to EPFO thereby enhancing financial inclusion and social security for them.
In an effort to address one of the largest challenges of formalisation, ISF and NSDC are putting in the efforts to ensure to create inroads for these families to find formal employment that is linked to skilling to support their livelihoods and give them a better and secure future.

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