HR Voices: Simin Askari On Employer Branding

What is employer branding and why it matters for today’s companies? 

Essentially, employer branding means what people think of the organization as an employer. This is not only about how potential employees look at you, though; it is also how current employees look at the company. A strong employer brand Is essential today. 

What is your approach towards positioning DS Group with respect to the skills/qualities one seeks in an employee? What are the techniques that are employed to retain talent?

In their decision-making process of joining an organisation, individuals search for similar values, a comparable culture, potential for advancement as well and competitive remuneration that is in line with the market rates. At DS Group, the focus is on openness, the development of a personality, as well as reasonable remuneration.

Such programs are designed according to an employee’s particular needs so that everyone regards his or her career progression as important. Benchmarking is conducted regularly in order to maintain a competitive compensation package. From a cultural standpoint, we strive for transparency with respect to our working environment such that we communicate the pros and cons.

Candidates can easily explore organizations online in the digital age. What approach does DS Group take In managing Its online reputation And negativity?

That is a good point, as information can be easily accessed digitally. We are transparent; we never control the online ratings or reviews. However, if there is legitimate criticism we are willing to accept it and attempt to deal with it. As a representative of our organization, we need to be realistic in depicting ourselves.

Organizations often prioritize short-run profits over employee health in the long run. How do you see it in terms of talent retention?

In the end, such short-term gains are often obtained as a result of sacrificing employee satisfaction and retainment in the long term. Of course, you need profits, but long-term success requires an environment where people feel cherished. Our attention is directed at the well-being of employees’ being secure as if they will feel they grow on us.

Watch the full interview below:

Note: The automatic transcription has been lightly edited for a better reading experience. Some names and parts of the transcription may carry inadvertent errors that we are in the process of editing. Thank you for your understanding.

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