HR Voices: Prashant Khullar On Servant Leadership

Could you provide a brief explanation of what servant leadership entails to the readers?

Certainly, servant leadership is a leadership approach that places the needs of the team above the leader's own interests or goals. It is about leading by example showing empathy and humility and making ethical decisions. All with a focus on serving the team's well-being.

How can practising servant leadership benefit both the company and a leader in the long term? 

Servant leadership is effective leadership with an effective strategy to drive sustainable growth by putting people at the centre, it increases employing engagement, pushes a collaborative culture and leads to a long-lasting organisation. 

You mentioned that servant leadership can be challenging to implement. In what ways do you see this leadership style facing obstacles in the modern work environment, particularly in remote settings? 

In a remote work environment. Servant leadership can be challenging due to a lack of in-person interaction. Additionally, the prevalent. cult style leadership where leaders focus on themselves. Can overshadow servant leadership. These challenges can undermine trust and engagement. 

What strategies can organisations and leaders employ to overcome the challenges and promote servant leadership in a remote work environment? 

Two key strategies are crucial firstly, establishing a real-time, listening mechanism and closing the loop with employees can create a culture of open communication. Secondly, leaders should become more approachable and engage in unstructured conversations with their teams. Ask Me Anything sessions can help leaders connect with their teams. And demonstrate qualities like empathy and active listening. 

Considering your extensive experience across various organisations. what leadership style, have you personally found to be effective in leading your teams?

I've always emphasised a people-centred approach in decision-making regardless of the organisation's size or industry. My focus has been on taking care of our people. Even in challenging situations.

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