Empathy And Decisiveness, Crucial For Leadership

BW People Exceptional Managers Awards 2024 (Women Exceptional Manager Of The Year) winner interview with Sanika Bhide, Vice President – Strategic Partnerships, Innoplexus Consulting Services

Balancing empathy and accountability as a leader is crucial, especially when guiding your team through challenges and opportunities. Vice President – Strategic Partnerships, Innoplexus Consulting Services, narrates how she strikes that balance.

Clear communication: “I ensure that expectations, goals and responsibilities are clearly communicated to everyone on the team. This sets a foundation for accountability while also providing a framework within which empathy can be exercised. Open and honest communication helps in understanding individual team members' perspectives and challenges.”
Understanding individual strengths and weaknesses: “By taking the time to understand each team member’s strengths, weaknesses and personal circumstances, I can tailor my approach to support them effectively. This understanding helps in setting realistic expectations and providing the right kind of support and encouragement.”
Recognising effort and achievements: “I make it a point to recognise and celebrate both efforts and achievements. Acknowledging hard work and successes reinforces positive behaviour and motivation. It shows that I value their contributions, balancing empathy with the recognition of their accountability.”
Providing development opportunities: “Supporting team members in their professional growth is a key aspect of empathetic leadership. I ensure that they have the access to training and development opportunities, which not only helps them improve their skills but also prepares them to take on more responsibilities.”
Leading by example: “I model the behaviour I expect from my team. By demonstrating accountability in my actions and showing empathy in my interactions, I set a standard for the team to follow. This helps create a balanced culture where both empathy and accountability are valued.”

Enumerating the leadership qualities that are important for driving team success, especially in today's dynamic business environment, she says, “In today’s dynamic business environment, successful leadership hinges on a blend of key qualities. Adaptability is crucial, allowing leaders to pivot in response to changing conditions and new information, fostering innovation and resilience. A clear, compelling vision provides direction and purpose, which must be communicated effectively to ensure team alignment. Strong communication skills are essential for conveying expectations and feedback while fostering open dialogue.” She adds, “Decisiveness, characterised by timely and well-informed decision-making, inspires confidence. Strategic thinking allows leaders to anticipate future trends and align short-term actions with long-term goals, ensuring sustained success. 

By embodying these qualities, leaders can effectively navigate the complexities of today’s business landscape, driving their teams toward success and fostering a dynamic, innovative and resilient organisational culture.”



Meha Mathur

BW Reporters The author works as Senior Associate Editor with BW Businessworld

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