Centum Learning: A Blended version of human and technology

Q- What are your active contributions for the upliftment of Centum?

A-  We have been doing pieces of training in various areas. Over the last few years, the learners’ profiles are changing, job requirements are changing and the new technology is coming. So, to cope up with these changes and to make the program more engaging, we have come up with some face-to-face sessions, self- learning and smart learning platform called Centum LearnPro. We have built a blended version of both human and technology through our programs and sessions. We are also expanding to different sectors and providing to various multinational companies.

Q- What are your plans to provide training and skills in rural areas?

A-   We have large programs in rural areas through various government programs at different levels. Since some people are 10th pass, graduate or undergraduates and that is why our target audience is essentially at field level from last 5-6 years and currently running in 9 states across India.

Q- What is the significance of L&D in the upcoming new age and small companies?

A-      It is very interesting how everything is shaping up. Our growth is now largely based on tech start-ups. Importance of technology is going up and affecting our growth. For example, of a company who has storage houses. If you order something from an online shopping website, they come from various warehouses. Within those warehouses, the company takes uploaders and crane operators. So, they provide back to the e-commerce industry. The need is definitely going up and it is important to understand the need. So multicultural and multilingual training is taking place. 

Q­- What do you think of training at the leadership level?

A-      In today’s world, where the business models start changing and the technology starts changing, it becomes even far more important. At the business level, you have to deal with the employees and impatient millennials. So, the leadership has to change their working patterns too. So, we do executive coaching, mentoring, behavioral training for the people at the leadership levels.

Q- how does training changes according to the organization?

A-      We design everything with the help of the team and customize it. They tell us their problems and we do deep analysis and talk to retailers and customers. Whether it is a people issue or process issues. And accordingly, we advise them and finalize the program jointly with the company. In individual level customization, we customize with the help of smart learning platform called Centum learn pro.

Q- What are the key features that you look for in a trainer while hiring?

A-      Now, it is getting very challenging these days. We need a person who has good communication skills, good presentation skills and has good grasping power and managing skills and also, knows technology and has exposure to different audiences so there are certain criteria which are to be considered before we take that person onboard.

Q- How do you manage to achieve your objectives but also ensure the satisfaction of the employees?

A- A leader should be transparent, interactive and communicate with people through meetings and monthly updates. We do multiple sessions and talk to everyone. We have also created a leadership circle which helps us to interact more often and do some informal activities and take various initiatives.

Q- Do you think you are an accessible boss?

A-      Yes, I am very accessible to connect, through my smartphone.

Q- Three tips that you want to share with your fellow CEOs in the industry.

A-      Firstly, you should keep learner at the core and customize looking at the learner.  Secondly, overall, when we redesign the methodology and pedagogy in line with the changing technology.  Thirdly, it is high time we start measuring the impact of every training program because the competition is very high and at the end of the day everyone wants results.

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