Building Trust Through Integrity & Transparency

BW People Exceptional Managers Awards 2024 (Tech Innovator Of The Year) winner interview with Gaurav Tripathi, Co Founder and Group CTO, Innoplexus Consulting Services

Building trust is at the core of developing a healthy organisational culture and for Gaurav Tripathi, Co Founder and Group CTO, Innoplexus Consulting Services, it is about integrity, transparency and empowerment of employees. “We follow the principles laid out in Andy Grove's ‘High Output Management’ which emphasises setting measurable objectives (OKRs), providing regular feedback and promoting a culture of transparency, says Tripathi, adding, “Leaders should prioritise building trust through integrity and consistency, empowering team members to take ownership of their work.” He explains that creating opportunities for skill development and recognising achievements also enhances motivation. By modelling collaboration and fostering an environment where individuals feel valued and respected, leaders can inspire their teams to achieve excellence collectively.

Technology and efficiency
Tripathi, who won the Tech Innovator Award at the Exceptional Managers Awards of BW People, explains how technology be leveraged to enhance productivity and efficiency within the teams or organisation. “Technology can bolster productivity and efficiency within teams and organisations by streamlining processes, automating repetitive tasks and facilitating communication. Again falling back to Andy Grove’s teachings, we leverage OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) and CFRs (Conversations, Feedback and Recognition) for the same. Leveraging technology to track progress against goals, gather real-time data and provide timely feedback enhances performance management. Additionally, collaborative tools and platforms enable seamless communication and collaboration, breaking down silos and fostering teamwork,” he says. By integrating technology strategically with OKRs and CFRs, organisations can optimise their operations and drive continuous improvement.

Fast-changing technological advancements also require organisations to be agile and adaptable. Tripathi explains that his organisation remains agile by setting ‘aspirational’ OKRs. “These are the objectives that we know are true ‘moon shots’, not something which we will be able to achieve in a year definitely. By setting such objectives we give the team the north star in terms of aspirations. While failing to achieve committed OKRs is a big no, we reward people for taking up aspirational objectives because they are the ones ready to take big risks and come up with things that can change the industry in future.” As Tripathi informs, the organisation also has a policy on rewarding innovators so the team members are motivated to file patents for their breakthrough works.


Meha Mathur

BW Reporters The author works as Senior Associate Editor with BW Businessworld

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