7 Out of 10 Women Feel That Pandemic Has Slowed Their Career Progression: Survey

Nearly 7 out of 10 women who experience negative shifts in the routine because of Covid-19 pandemic believe the career progression will slow down according to the survey by the Deloitte Global.

The survey was conducted by having 400 working women respondents across 9 countries at various career levels of seniority and spanning across various industries. The ways in which pandemic is affecting the daily routine, mental and physical health and careers and the pandemics impact on work-life balance and well-being of countless working women is outlined in the survey. It also highlights how the pandemic could threaten some of the progress made on gender equality in the workplace in recent years.

From making flexible working the norm to addressing microaggression in the workplace, the survey suggested that there are 6 critical areas to focus for employers to take actions and ensure that women continue to advance in the workplace.

Because of lock down and shutdowns in many countries’ women are more frequently working from home. Now 37% of women are working from home full time opposed to just one person before the pandemic. 89% of the people surveyed said demands on the personal life and daily routine have changed due to pandemic of these 92% of those indicate that the shifts had a negative impact on their lives.

48% of women responded that they are responsible for 75% or more of caregiving responsibilities which is three times more than pre COVID-19 levels.

40% of working women who experience negative shifts in the daily routine say they are unable to balance their work and life commitments with nearly 40% citing significant consequences to their physical and mental well-being.

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