“There Are No Shortcuts To Hardwork," Aarushi Girdhar

BW People Exceptional Managers Awards 2024 (Youngest Manager of the Year) winner interview with Aarushi Girdhar, Brand Manager, Bisleri Vedica

Aarushi Girdhar, Brand Manager at Bisleri Vedica believes that leaders can ensure continuous learning and development opportunities for their team members by leading by example, actively encouraging team members to pursue new skills and knowledge and providing the necessary resources and support.

“Additionally, creating opportunities for team members to share what they have learned with the group can reinforce a collaborative learning environment. Acknowledging and celebrating these efforts not only boosts morale but also reinforces the value of continuous improvement. By cultivating an environment where learning is a shared, celebrated and integral part of the workplace culture, leaders can ensure their teams remain adaptable and proficient in a rapidly evolving landscape,” she says.

In terms of overcoming obstacles, Girdhar reflects on her own journey, saying that there are no shortcuts to hard work. She emphasises the importance of immersing oneself in every aspect of the business, particularly understanding customers, and combining hard work with a genuine commitment to learning and applying consumer insights. “One major obstacle I had to overcome was the experience gap between myself and more seasoned leaders. To bridge this gap, I focused on delivering fresh, relevant insights and demonstrating the value of my perspective through data and firsthand knowledge. For aspiring leaders, my advice is to immerse yourself in every aspect of your business, especially understanding your customers. Hard work, combined with a genuine commitment to learning and applying consumer insights, can propel you towards excellence in your career.”
To ensure the team remains agile and adaptable in the face of technological advancements and industry changes, Girdhar recommends fostering a culture of continuous learning is essential. “While organising workshops and training sessions is important, I find self-directed learning to be the most effective. Based on my personal experience, when individuals conduct their own research, they stay more focused and engaged, making the learning process more enjoyable and impactful.” Girdhar adds.

Secondly, maintaining open lines of communication is crucial. According to Girdhar, “Regularly discussing industry changes, technological advancements, and their potential impacts on our business keeps everyone informed and prepared to adapt. This also includes creating an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their insights and ideas, which can lead to innovative solutions. Finally, leading by example is key. When leaders embrace change and demonstrate adaptability, it sets a tone for the entire team. Showing a willingness to learn, pivot when necessary, and approach challenges with a positive attitude inspires the team to do the same.”



sugandh bahl

BW Reporters The author is working as Sr Correspondent with BW Businessworld and BW People

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