“Great Things Are Rarely Achieved Alone," Mohit Gadam

BW People Exceptional Managers Awards 2024 (Exceptional Operations Manager) winner interview Mohit Gadam, COO, Assiduus Global

Leadership is a critical aspect of any business or institution, playing a pivotal role in guiding teams toward achieving strategic objectives, fostering a positive work culture and ensuring long-term sustainability. Mohit Gadam, COO, Assiduus Global, is of the firm belief that leaders are required to be adaptable, while constantly learning and embracing new ideas.

“Throughout my career, I have experienced how critical a few key qualities are for driving team success. The most important, for me, are clear vision and communication. A strong vision, clearly articulated, serves as a North Star for the team. But vision alone is not enough. It is crucial to translate it into actionable steps and communicate them effectively, fostering buy-in and engagement. The second factor is adaptability and agility, since the business landscape is ever-changing. And finally, empowering collaboration; great things are rarely achieved alone,” explains Gadam.
One should always strive to empower their team by fostering collaboration, encouraging open communication and valuing diverse perspectives. This collective intelligence is what fuels innovation and high-performance.

Emerging out of self doubt
Such learning experiences have not come handy to Gadam overnight. “My journey has been filled with obstacles. Self-doubt and setbacks were all hurdles I had to overcome. What helped me persevere was a relentless focus on learning and growth. I actively sought mentors, embraced challenges as opportunities to learn and never stopped believing in myself and my team,” he shares.

“For aspiring leaders, my advice is, “Be bold, embrace challenges and don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. Always prioritise learning and growth – both for yourself and your team.”

Leadership lessons
While achieving leadership laurels throughout his journey, Gadam mentions about this one lesson which he has learnt and has stayed with him ever since.

“I have learned the power of vulnerability. Early in my career, I felt pressure to have all the answers. But I have come to realise that strength lies in acknowledging when you don’t know something and being open to learning from your team. This fosters trust, creates a safe space for open communication and ultimately leads to better decision-making.”

Balancing empathy and accountability are two sides of the same coin. “I believe empathy allows me to understand my team's challenges and motivations. However, accountability is equally important. I set clear expectations, provide constructive feedback and hold everyone responsible for their contribution to the team’s success,” says Gadam.


sugandh bahl

BW Reporters The author is working as Sr Correspondent with BW Businessworld and BW People

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