“Continuous Learning Fuels Adaptability & Innovation," Sowmya Malliah

BW People Exceptional Managers Awards 2024 (Exceptional HR Manager) winner interview with Sowmya Malliah, HR Head, Tekion India

In today’s dynamic landscape, effective leadership is important to steer teams toward success. There are several qualities, such as adaptability, vision, communication, empowerment and many more that a leader must nurture to drive success, emphasises Sowmya Malliah. As she describes, among the leadership qualities that stand prime in making a mark as effective leadership are:

Adaptability: It is paramount, enabling leaders to swiftly adjust strategies amidst evolving circumstances, fostering team resilience and agility. A long-term vision is equally crucial, as leaders articulate compelling future that inspire and align team's efforts towards common objectives.

Emotional intelligence: It plays a pivotal role in nurturing positive team dynamics, enhancing communication and resolving conflicts constructively.

Effective communication: It is characterised by active listening and transparency, ensures clarity and mutual understanding among team members.

Resilience: It emerges as a crucial trait, enabling leaders and teams to rebound from setbacks and maintain focus on long-term goals despite adversities.

Embracing failure: Failure is an inevitable part of the journey to success. Instead of viewing setbacks as obstacles, treat them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. One should analyse mistakes, learn from them and use them to propel yourself forward

Take calculated risks: Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and take calculated risks in pursuit of your goals. Embrace new challenges, seize opportunities for growth and be willing to push boundaries to achieve excellence. 

Continuous learning, both for leaders and team members, fuels adaptability and innovation, ensuring that teams remain at the forefront of industry trends and continuously enhance their capabilities.

Malliah explains that leadership lessons have worked remarkably for her, helping her reach where she is today. “For me, the value of empowering a team assumes the highest significance. At the outset of my professional trajectory, I seized an opportunity to join a burgeoning startup as its first employee. As the company grew, I transitioned from a hands-on contributor to leading a team, eventually spearheading the organisation's expansion to over 2000 employees in 3 years.”

Throughout this odyssey, she realised that micromanagement could stifle growth and innovation. Instead, by endowing the team with autonomy and ownership, she has always ensured remarkable outcomes.

“Encouraging team members to seize initiative, make informed decisions and undertake calculated risks leading to heightened productivity, creativity and job satisfaction, I was able to foster a systematic growth and expansion of the organisation,” she added.



sugandh bahl

BW Reporters The author is working as Sr Correspondent with BW Businessworld and BW People

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