World Mental Health Day: Navigating The Intersection Of HR & Mental Well-Being

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, in today’s time, the role of human resources (HR) in promoting mental well-being within organisations has gained increasing significance. Deepti Varma, vice president, people experience technology at Amazon India, Japan and emerging markets, shared her insights on HR's role in fostering mental well-being, aligning with an organisation's mission and values. Her perspective sheds light on the holistic approach in nurturing employee well-being, addressing stigma around mental health and leveraging digital tools to enhance mental health support. 

In your view, what is the role of HR in promoting mental well-being among employees, and how does it tie into the broader organisational mission and values? 

As individuals and organisations, we are just starting to understand the effects of more than two years of lockdowns, closure and isolation, but one thing is clear that it is important to focus on physical and mental wellbeing. Employee well-being is a fundamental consideration that extends from the grassroots of an organisation to its leadership. Employees seek a workplace where leaders are dedicated to fostering an environment that is safe, productive and conducive to their overall health. 

For organisations, the first and foremost priority should always be the safety and well-being of employees, involving a comprehensive approach that encompasses wellbeing in a holistic manner and not just limited within specific silos, such as mental wellbeing or physical wellbeing or financial, as focus areas. Employees need to feel that their organisation is committed to their welfare and is a reliable source of support. The second priority revolves around enhancing the overall employee experience. This goes beyond the basics of employment to create an environment where employees feel valued, engaged and motivated. It involves fostering a sense of belonging, and ensuring that every team member's voice is heard. When employees are content and engaged, they are more likely to contribute positively to the organisation's goals.

The third priority is the human element within operational excellence. Managing HR as a business and leveraging technology to streamline processes is crucial for scalability and efficiency. However, it's essential to retain the human element within these processes. Empathy should remain at the forefront of HR practices because it's the cornerstone of fostering a supportive workplace culture. Empathetic HR practices acknowledge the unique challenges employees face and create an environment where individuals are valued contributors to the organisation's success. Prioritising employee well-being and creating a workplace that resonates with their needs and aspirations is fundamental to achieving organisational objectives. It's a holistic approach that requires leaders to balance the physical, emotional and professional aspects of their employees' lives. By placing safety, experience, and empathy at the core of HR practices, organisations can create a thriving and supportive environment. 

One challenge organisations face is the stigma associated with mental health. How can HR teams work to create a stigma-free environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their mental health concerns? 

The evolving corporate landscape has undergone significant changes in recent years, marked by a growing recognition and support for mental health. Within this context, businesses face a prominent challenge: creating an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their mental health concerns without experiencing stigma. A critical aspect of fostering a stigma-free workplace involves addressing unconscious biases, which can hinder open dialogue about mental health. 

Most of the stigma around mental health exists because of misunderstandings, misrepresentation, and misinformation. This stigma makes it very difficult for people to ask for help. Organisations must lay emphasis on educating the workforce at large the basics of mental health challenges, and dispelling the myth that people with these conditions are dangerous. This will help to create a much safer environment for people who are struggling. Furthermore, educating them about non-judgmental phrasing – a stigma-free way to discuss mental health and ensuring that there isn’t just conversation, but the right conversation, around mental health is the first step to ending stigma. 

Remote work has become more prevalent today. What strategies can HR’s employ to address the unique mental health challenges remote work can pose? 

Working from home became the norm after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic however, most organisations are transitioning to a hybrid model where employees get to balance spending time in-person and working virtually, and while doing so, interact, collaborate better and yet, have the flexibility they need. Working predominantly from home can often be an isolating experience and have an impact on wellbeing as many may feel disconnected from the office culture and in-person collaboration. 

HR professionals must adapt their strategies to address the unique mental health challenges that can arise in this evolving corporate landscape. One key strategy involves implementing comprehensive mental health programs and resources accessible to all employees. These resources may encompass virtual counselling sessions, online mental health platforms, and dedicated support hotlines. Collaborating with mental health professionals can provide valuable guidance and support, significantly contributing to employees' mental well-being.

Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) are often used to support mental health. How can organisations utilise EAPs, and what other resources can be made available to employees for mental health support? 

We have a dedicated Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) that helps employees and their family members to navigate through work-life experiences and provide them with the resources to support their mental health and well-being leveraging free, confidential mental health support for from professional counselors available 24/7.  Our flagship wellness initiative 'Svasthya' revolves around overall employee health and well-being, granting our employees a comprehensive array of choices to bolster their physical, mental, emotional and financial well-being.

In addition to this, our employees have access to AI enabled self-guided digital emotional health and well-being solution that can be accessed 24/7 by all employees to reduce stress, find calm, build confidence and improve emotional health. This AI based mental health programme is available via app and web platform to be used along with EAP, providing employees immediate access to more mental health tools and includes science-backed activities, personalisation and more. This innovative local idea for solving a problem in India has grown into a global benefits initiative available to all Amazonians globally and their families. 

We recently introduced Pediatric Care Program, a free mental health service providing direct access to personalised and confidential care for children aged between 18 months and 17 years. Through this programme, employees can access services, including six sessions of free of cost counseling or coaching, per issue per year, from a licensed provider whenever needed. The virtual model is designed to help families and households navigate challenging times by offering short-term counselling or coaching, and practical support for everyday life. The specialised support addresses a wide range of behavioral health needs, including Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), anxiety, depression, trauma and more. Amazon's new mental health service for children is a step towards improving the mental health of future generations. 

How have digital tools and platforms been leveraged to improve mental health support for employees?

Digital tools have profoundly transformed the landscape of mental health support within corporate environments. These tools have harnessed their potential in various strategic ways, forging a robust structural framework. The adoption of digital resources has been instrumental in the provision of online mental health resources and counseling services. With the advent of mobile applications and web-based platforms, employees are now equipped with self-help resources to effectively manage stress, anxiety and other mental health challenges. These digital solutions frequently encompass guided meditation, mindfulness exercises, and resilience-building materials, ultimately empowering employees to proactively engage with and take control of their mental health and overall well-being.

Moreover, digital platforms have emerged as formidable vehicles for the dissemination of mental health awareness campaigns and educational content. Serving as conduits for the transmission of vital information, they play a pivotal role in destigmatising mental health issues and cultivating a workplace culture characterised by empathy and mutual support. Employers can leverage these platforms to stimulate open dialogue on mental health and steer employees toward readily available resources. Beyond the realm of employee-facing tools, digital platforms have ushered in a new era of data-driven insights into employee well-being. Surveys, feedback mechanisms and data analytics mechanisms empower employers to gain an invaluable understanding of the mental health requirements of their workforce. This data-driven approach, in turn, facilitates the development of targeted interventions and enhancements in mental health support programmes.

Additionally, technology has spawned the creation of virtual support communities and peer networks. These digital forums enable employees to connect with peers who have navigated similar mental health challenges, fostering a profound sense of camaraderie and mutual comprehension. Such communities serve as potent instruments for mitigating feelings of isolation and promoting mutual support. In sum, digital tools and platforms have emerged as indispensable instruments for augmenting mental health support in corporate settings. They have streamlined access to counseling, self-help resources, and educational materials pertaining to mental health. Furthermore, these tools have ushered in data-driven interventions, virtual support communities and mechanisms for achieving a harmonious work-life equilibrium. As we advance into the future, the continued integration of technology remains paramount in ensuring that employees have unfettered access to the requisite resources and support for their mental health prerequisites.

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