Sunny Leone: Coming To India Was My best Decision

Are you are good in managing human relationships?

Sometimes it can be challenging because I don't always understand the sentiments of other people. It takes me asking a lot of questions and having a lot of patience to understand. 

What about managing your team – such as your brand managers, make-up artists and publicists?

I want to always believe I'm good at it. I do not believe in the hierarchy system, I believe we are all equal until someone does something unprofessional and then I have to explain things to them. Myself and my husband take pride in knowing we can take over anyone's job in our company if they don't perform up to par. We have high standards for our employees but we set those same standards for ourselves. 

Which are the top 3 celebrity turned entrepreneurs that you look upto?

Kris kardashian, Jessica Simpson and Sean John Combs 

Where do you see yourself in next 5 years?

Still working and growing. We are currently in the middle of expanding in many directions so in 5 years, I hope to see those ventures quite successful. 

One basic quality that every leader must have?

I just learned something very interesting about leaders. "Being a creature of habit" what I understood of this statement is being consistent in what you do. Don't give up and keep working until something sticks. Also I believe in the "test, test,test method" keep trying and again, if something work then go with it but take chances in business. 

Biggest mistake of your life...

My biggest mistakes have not been business ones. They have always been personal. In business we all learn from our mistakes, I take risks but I am also very calculated. 

Best decision of your life...

In terms of business- Coming to India 

Your phone beeps, Rs 20 crore credited in your account. How you will spend it?

To be honest I probably wouldn't spend it right away. I would figure out how to invest it. I have what I want in life personally.

Three traits of a wise business man/woman?

Persistence, Professionalism and Consistency 

Best advertisement you can recall?

I actually love looking at international commercials that are really funny.

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