Never Shy Away From Acquiring New Skills

With the increasing technology transformation in the world, Boundaries are blurring, and new competition is arising in every sector. What will differentiate one organisation from another, is its People and Culture. 

“I have been fortunate to work with organisations wherein I got a chance to reinvent the wheel rather than just working on the surface,” exclaims Megha Gupta, Director HR, Fiserv India.

Shifting the HR function to be more strategic than seen as operations was the key of her horizon to work on. Talking about impacts, the most one was when there came a steady shift in HR function from a cost centre to a strategic partner for business, which required a huge mindset shift in both the HR function as well as the business. With a multi-generational workforce, global environment and dynamic business needs, the demands from stakeholders/business increased, and now more is expected from the HR function.

Gupta being an open and compassionate leader for her people always made sure to keep the channels for communication open. Created a fair and transparent channel for communication within the organisation leveraging both, top to down and bottom-up approaches. The Role change within the HR function was made by putting together career frameworks and competencies for the HR team for people to see the shift and making the needle movement.

Gupta doesn’t consider this pandemic to be a “pause button” rather a “restart button” to go back to the drawing board and think about every decision that we have made in past and relook with a fresh lens. 

 Solutions that worked till now will have no relevance like the benefits offered to employees like Creche facility, Gym, etc and rather need to think about what matters now to employees in the remote working set up. This also brings in new opportunities like opening the Talent market in new geographies wherein earlier organisations were not tapping due to physical relocation of people required closer to the office locations and now those markets will be open to organisations making the new / in tap Talent available with a cheaper cost. “This pandemic has forced me personally to think about the new normal and challenge my mindset to relook at talent strategies like never before,” believes Gupta.

 Gupta claims that “my success mantra is to be fearless when it comes to any new work that comes my way. This has always taken me new newer heights that I could have not imagined.”

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