Leadership Is A Collective Journey

BW People Exceptional Managers Awards 2024 (Exceptional Operations Manager) winner interview with Amit Ananpara, Co MD & Board Member, Innoplexus Consulting

In today's dynamic business environment, adaptability and resilience are key, believes Amit Ananpara, Co Managing Director and Member of the Board, Innoplexus Consulting Services. Laying emphasis on visionary thinking alongside pragmatic execution, Ananpara says, “Predicting market trends while staying grounded in operational realities is vital for long-term success. Additionally, nurturing a culture of continuous learning and innovation is essential.”

Ananpara also believes that encouraging experimentation and embracing failure fosters agility within the team and that transparency, that open communication are pivotal for building trust and enhancing motivation and that empathy & emotional intelligence play a crucial role.

Lessons in leadership

An important lesson that Ananpara has learnt over the years is that of maintaining the crucial balance between strategic vision and operational excellence. “Initially, I emphasised strategy over execution. However, advancing to senior roles taught me the necessity of meticulous execution to complement brilliant strategies,” he states.

A defining moment occurred when Ananpara was spearheading expansion into a new geography. As he describes, “Despite a solid strategy, unexpected operational hurdles arose. Engaging closely with local teams, I adapted our approach, ensuring seamless execution. This emphasised the importance of hands-on leadership in realising a vision.”

As a leader, Ananpara lays emphasis on both empathy and accountability. He explains, “During tough times, I actively listen and address concerns empathetically. Simultaneously, I stress accountability by setting goals and offering constructive feedback. For instance, during the pandemic, I supported my team through personal disruptions while implementing project management tools to ensure productivity. This approach maintained high performance, despite challenges.”

Triumphs and tribulations

Ananpara narrates a specific incident to highlight the obstacles in his journey. “A significant obstacle arose during my tenure in a startup venture focussed on hyper-local deal discovery. Despite our innovative approach, scaling was hindered by funding constraints. This experience proved humbling yet enlightening, instilling in me invaluable lessons in resilience and adaptability. In the corporate realm, I leveraged these insights by proactively addressing resistance to change and cultivating an atmosphere of innovation in my daily operations.”

Based on his experiences, Ananpara offers three-fold advice to aspiring leaders:

Embrace failures as invaluable learning opportunities and maintain an unwavering focus on your goals. Resilience flourishes in the face of adversity;

Cultivate robust relationships and a supportive network, recognising that leadership is a collective journey;

Lastly, prioritise continuous learning; in today's dynamic business environment, it's essential to remain relevant and effective.


Meha Mathur

BW Reporters The author works as Senior Associate Editor with BW Businessworld

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