Empathetic Leadership In Workplace: Navigating Change And Fostering Success

Empathy is a crucial leadership skill, whether navigating through good times or tough ones. It's a skill that starts with those at the helm. Our first-hand experience, especially during the pandemic, has taught us the importance of understanding and caring about the emotions and needs of others. Extensive research underscores a strong positive connection between workplace empathy and performance, as highlighted in the 2023 Businessolver State of Workplace Empathy Special Report, where an astounding 87% of CEOs believe that empathy directly influences a company's financial success.

The work environment is rapidly transforming, characterized by a growing preference for remote or hybrid work models. Regardless of their team's size, leaders face a critical question: How can they best support their team members?

Communicate With Compassion:

Empathetic leadership transcends mere understanding. It is about building deep connections with your teams through clear and compassionate communications. A people-first approach isn't just a leadership trait; it's a strategic advantage. Research shows that cultures fostering empathy witness 26% fewer errors, 22% increased productivity, 41% less absenteeism, and 30% enhanced customer satisfaction compared to others.

In today’s environment, effective communication is a dynamic exchange that elevates the entire team, empowering them and nurturing a profound sense of belonging. It's not just about top-down directives; it's a collective effort where everyone embodies the culture daily.

For remote team members, clear and consistent communication remains paramount. However, it's essential to be considerate, as excessive video calls can be draining, especially for newcomers and women, as highlighted by the Harvard Business Review.

Build Strong Relationships:

Genuine connections with colleagues help nurture empathy within the workplace. It starts with investing time in understanding their well-being, as personal matters can significantly impact their work. Regular check-ins are imperative, especially as some individuals adapt to new work routines.

It's crucial to leverage communication tools to facilitate teamwork, sustaining motivation, and trust. Recognizing individual contributions and celebrating shared achievements are equally important components of this equation. It promotes individual growth for collective success.

Practise Active Listening:

Active listening is hearing your team members’ questions and concerns without judgment. Demonstrating comprehension through nods or paraphrasing nurtures empathy. If direct interaction with your team members isn’t always possible, it’s good to have a feedback mechanism where they can call or leave a message any time.

FedEx has an ‘open door’ policy where anyone can meet with management at any level with comments, suggestions, or questions. As leaders, we make ourselves available on various platforms and invite our teams to reach out.

Foster Inclusivity by Challenging Biases:

Confronting and conquering unconscious biases may be challenging, as these are formed at an early age and reinforced throughout adulthood. Acknowledging the existence of unconscious biases is the first step toward dismantling them.

Addressing these biases takes a conscious effort from leadership to model the same level of respect for all team members regardless of gender, age, culture, interests, or background. A culture of inclusivity, where every individual is respected, is where empathy thrives.

Embrace Failure as A Steppingstone

At FedEx, we don't shy away from failure; we see it as an opportunity for growth and innovation. Our founder revolutionized overnight deliveries in the 1970s, and today, we continue to connect people and possibilities worldwide. We encourage our teams to share ideas fearlessly. Emotional intelligence and robust relationships become vital tools for leaders in this context. By cultivating a culture where failure is not feared but embraced, leaders empower their teams to reach new heights, encouraging innovation and adaptation.

This approach to leadership recognizes that emotional intelligence, strong relationships, and a willingness to embrace failure are all essential elements in the journey towards empathetic leadership.



Kami Viswanathan

Guest Author President - Middle East, Indian subcontinent and Africa (MEISA), FedEx

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