Dabur India: Empowering Excellence Through HR Transformation

In the bustling world of consumer goods, where competition is fierce and innovation is the lifeblood of success, the iconic brand of Dabur India has stood tall as a true champion of talent acquisition. For decades, this iconic FMCG company has enriched the lives of millions through its diverse product portfolio and its commitment to excellence extends beyond its products to its employees.

At the heart of Dabur’s HR strategy lies a deep focus on enhancing the employee experience, attracting diverse talent, and promoting internal talent movement. With a vision to create a culture of growth and development, Dabur has continuously innovated its talent acquisition practices and positioned itself as a trailblazer in the industry.

A Seamless Onboarding Journey

Companies recognise that the onboarding and induction experience lays the foundation for an employee‘s journey within the organisation. To ensure a seamless and engaging onboarding process, multiple interventions are made at different stages of the onboarding lifecycle.

Eliminating cumbersome paperwork and administrative hassles, the entire process online, from offer generation to induction. This paperless approach not only streamlined the process but also welcomed the new hires from the very beginning.

The company also focuses on employee branding and creating a sense of excitement and belonging. Joiner branding is introduced across offices and relevant locations, fostering interactions and conversations about new joiners. This simple yet impactful initiative led to increased candidate engagement and a more inclusive culture.

Feedback, the cornerstone of growth, has become a cornerstone of the onboarding process. Dabur actively seeks feedback from new joiners at key junctures- 30, 60 and 90 days- to understand their experience and address any concerns promptly. The goal has been simple- create a WOW onboarding experience that resonates with employees from day one.

Embracing Diversity in Talent Acquisition

Dabur’s India's commitment to diversity and inclusion is unwavering. The organisation believes in creating an environment where diverse talent can thrive and contribute their unique perspectives. To attract talent from various backgrounds, Dabur has a keen focus on diversity hiring initiatives.

Scientific assessments, a relatively new approach in the industry, have been introduced for frontline sales roles. These assessments, including numerical and behavioural tests, ensure that the company hires the best talent even at the entry-level. Ultimately, the focus lies on hiring with a culture of diversity at all levels throughout the organisation.

A Talent Movement Revolution

Recognising that talent is the most valuable asset, Dabur India places a high emphasis on promoting the internal talent movement. The Dabur India Job Portal (IJPs) has become the bridge that connects talented individuals to new opportunities within the organisation.

IJPs has paid rich dividends for the company with internal movements increasing by 50 percent.  

The company also went beyond borders and has tripled cross-country talent movements for mid-senior level roles across functions. The IJPs have not only nurtured a culture of growth and development but also became an integral part of Dabur’s identity.

Driving Innovation and Efficiency

Dabur’s transformational journey is marked by continuous innovation and efficiency-driven practices. The adoption of technology has played a pivotal role in streamlining the recruitment process and enhancing the candidate experience.

The introduction of the Application Tracking System brought in a wave of efficiency. Live updates to candidates at each stage, shortlisting, interviews, and document submissions became a reality. This real-time communication has not only reduced the turnaround time but also showcased Dabur’s commitment to transparency and fairness.

Embracing the digital age

Dabur has made its presence felt on social media, leveraging it for talent attraction and branding. A revamped career section on LinkedIn and became a window into Dabur’s culture, achievements, and the stories of leaders and employees. This new-age approach has heightened Dabur’s employer brand recall and attracted a pool of top talent.

A Culture of Constant Innovation

Throughout this transformation journey, Dabur’s HR leadership plays a pivotal role in initiating a culture of constant innovation. The leadership team’s commitment to embracing change and investing in candidate experience reverberated across the organization.

The HR team has taken a data-based approach, envisioning a talent acquisition strategy driven by various metrics aligned with the business goals. The focus on technology integration, continuous improvement, and investment in candidate experience was evident in every initiative.

A Visionary Future

Dabur India’s HR transformation journey exemplifies the power of dedication, innovation, and a people-centric approach with a focus on enhancing the employee experience, promoting diversity hiring, and encouraging the internal talent acquisition landscape for years to come.

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