In reaction to accusations of sexual assault against some of its members, the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) announced on Tuesday that its entire governing body has resigned, citing moral responsibility. This choice was made after the Hema Committee report was made public. Actor Mohanlal, who held the position of President, along with the 17 members of the executive committee have resigned.
In order to choose a new governing body, AMMA has stated that a general body meeting will be held within the next two months.
"We hope that 'AMMA' will have new leadership that can revitalise and fortify AMMA." A statement said, "Thank you to everyone who provided criticism and corrections.
The action was taken in response to the Justice Hema Committee report, which exposed horrifying accounts of sexual harassment, discrimination, and exploitation against women in the Malayalam film industry. Limited redactions were made to the report that the committee delivered to the Kerala government in December 2019.
The resignations occur in the midst of increasing attention and pressure regarding the purported misbehaviour within the corporation. The allegations have drawn strong criticism and alarm from different parts of the Malayalam cinema industry as well as other circles.