“We Focus On Culture Building,” States Amarvir Singh

How have you successfully accomplished the task of managing an entire organisation during times of crisis?
Any crisis can be handled with ease if you have the right set of people and they work as a team. I am a strong believer in collaborative leadership and during any crisis in the organisation like in the times of Covid we have created a group called JCBL Crisis Management group with a clear vision and KPIs: How to handle the stress of the employees during lockdowns? And what will be the review mechanism?  

What are the key areas for effective functioning of your organisation?

1. Culture Building – To build the culture of the organisation, one should have a strong value system and for the same, we use various tools & assessments to hire the right set of talent with the desired values. 

2. Improving manpower efficiencies – We work on aggressive KPIs with a robust review mechanism, and prefer competencies while hiring manpower.  

Strategies and techniques that you believe in to solve employees’ problems and achieve an organisation’s goal?

We conduct a rigorous exercise at the start of the year to set the organisational goal and the goal setting of the key stakeholders is aligned to it; I believe if the goal setting is done properly then the employee knows what is expected from him and it leads to a high level of engagement. 

The strategies and techniques that I believe can be used for better employees’ problem-solving are: Having a robust two-way communication process and morning and end-of-day team huddle meetings to share important information and recognise accomplishments.  

What are the typical challenges of the next normal, and how do you tackle them?

i. Employee wellbeing especially mental well-being will be the top business mandate 

ii. The next normal of work will accelerate new ways to learn online; hence the companies should be technologically ready for it 

iii. Data analytics in HR will become a big thing and all decisions will depend on the same, hence if the HR isn’t well versed in data analytics, you will be in a soup  

Ways to tackle these challenges are:

i. Expand employee experience and wellbeing resources for better employee engagement and experience i. HR transformation has to be done at fast pace i. We need to upskill our HR team for data analytics

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