Zoom app highly prone to hackers due to security loopholes: Reports

While we are all locked down and working from home, video calling service Zoom app has witnessed massive spike in downloads in India. It was recently reported that Zoom has dethroned the many popular entertainment apps like WhatsApp, TikTok, and Instagram on Google Play Store.

Now there are concerns being raised about the security of this app. There are reports that hackers have been able to breach Zoom video calls and tap into webcam and microphone. According to some reports, researchers have claimed to have found a security loophole that can give attackers access to windows passwords. They have also noticed two flaws that can be used to silently gain access to a user's Mac and tap into its webcam and microphone.

On 2nd April, hackers breached a live video  conference in Mumbai which was hosted on Zoom app. It's said that the hackers took over host controls and posted abusive messages on the participants' chat window. There were over 600 participants logged in to the conference.

"The attacker can gain access to the computer once exploited and install malware or spyware, without letting users know about the backdoor entry. The issue that allows unwanted access is due to the installer that can easily be injected  with malicious code and used to obtain root-level user priveledges, " stated another report.

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