Winning Stroke: Marko Carevic, Chief Marketing and Customer Experience Officer, Home Credit India

If not in the current profession, you would be?

I would definitely be a Full-time traveller.

One tune you always hum?

I am afraid I have a heavy version of handicap for music. I usually listen to music while thinking/working, but somehow it falls in the second plan.

One book to read when you want to motivate yourself?

Shoe dog by Phil Knight.
The book is written without glorification, it’s honest and real.

One dialogue of a movie that motivates you or you like the most?

I am reminded of a scene from movie 300, when 300 Spartan soldiers meet companions from Greek army who are shocked by the small number of Soldiers brought by King Leonidas making him realize that he brought more than the Greeks (since they all had different professions, and were just forced to become soldiers temporarily). King Leonidas and his army of 300 live as true legends, showing us all, that even with a smaller, but fully dedicated and committed resources, you can still make things lasting through history.

The place you never been to and always want to go?

Tibet, Indian Himalayas.

An animal that signifies you & why?

I would go for Rhino, not a predator but still a fighter. 

A Movie Character you most resemble or resonate with

Being a Marvel fan, I would go for witty Ironman Tony Stark.

If your life was to be turned into a movie who would you like to play your part?

Robert Downey, Jr obviously.

Luck or Hard Work, what do you think weighs more in defining a successful person?

I have to say it – I don’t believe in luck!
Hard work is and will always weigh in defining a successful person.

One best decision you ever made?

To come to India and join the Home Credit team. It has been a fantastic learning and life experience ever since.

A strategy that you always use to take your decisions in Personal or Professional life?

Do maximum in given circumstances!

Whose advice do you seek when in a dilemma?

Depends on the dilemma faced, I have a few mentors. Especially speaking about business, I would normally seek their advice. For everything else in life, I have my best friend who is also my biggest critic so if I survive his view then I am good.

What has been your biggest achievement?

Managing to get 2 kids during my short 3.5 year stay in India . We have been blessed to have a son and a daughter.

One thing that you want to change in yourself?

I would love to be 15cm taller.
Jokes aside, I would like to get more time to explore different cultures and learn more languages.

A line said by your close one that you never forget?

It is one said by my grandfather (who witnessed the worst of the WW II). He used to tell me– “Don’t let your old-age ask you where your youth was spent” (not sure if it sounds as good in English as in Serbian).

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