What Job seekers In India Most Value?- Vodafone Intelligent Solutions Report

In India, 63% of job seekers say changes to working practices brought about by the pandemic have improved their quality of life, with more than half (59%) saying they have been able to be more

productive at work, according to a study of more than 5,000 job-seekers in 10* countries. The research was commissioned by __VOIS (Vodafone Intelligent Solutions), a global technology company which employs more than 13,800 people in India.

Working from home is now a permanent option for half (50%) of job seekers in India, according to the study. Without a regular daily commute, 46% of men and women surveyed in India also believe their family relationships have improved, with 42% saying they spend a greater amount of time in nature. 40% say they exercise more and eat a healthier diet. 

While salary is still the most important factor for Indian job seekers considering a new role or deciding to remain with an employer, the new world of work in India is also emerging as a more caring one, driven by the desire to ’serve the greater good’. More than one quarter (28%) of respondents agreed this would motivate them the most in their job search – rising from 22% pre-COVID. The least popular career goals for Indian job-seekers surveyed were to manage people, which appeals to 19% of respondents, and to have an international career, which appeals to only 18%.

In India the percentage of people putting work-life balance among their top career goals has also increased from 36% to 47% since the pandemic. The desire for job security has also gone up, with 37% putting it among their top career goals, compared with 34% pre-pandemic.

Nearly half (45%) Indian job seekers surveyed revealed that they would feel happiest in a role if their employer let them choose their working hours, with 44% saying they would like free skills training to help them develop.

__VOIS, which employs 25,000 people around the world, commissioned the 10-country study, to better understand the needs of job seekers.

Business and leadership expert Dr Alan Watkins, who specialises in workplace wellbeing and performance, said: “Today’s workforce values job security and flexible hours, and want to work for more empathetic, purpose led employers. This study confirms that employees have re-evaluated what they want from their jobs and what will make them feel most happy at work. Companies wanting to retain their workforce and attract the best new talent will need to take note – just as the world has changed since the pandemic, so must corporate culture.”

Gary Adey, Director at_VOIS said: “Employers are well aware of a shift in priorities driving the ‘Great Resignation’ and global talent war. In order to attract and retain the best possible candidates we need to listen carefully to what job-seekers are looking for and be prepared to adapt and evolve our approach. This study shows the changing range of priorities job seekers now have in order to keep them engaged and happy at work.”

_VOIS introduced its future-ready working solutions in 2021 as employees returned to work in the office, following the pandemic. Hybrid and remote working patterns are based on trust, balance and flexibility principles and were created using employee feedback.

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